I found this written (in my handwriting) on an envelope on my desk this morning:
"The difference between last night and tonight is,
A stellar vacation's length away
Meaning, last night we merely touched the stars but
Tonight we are Inside the stars.
I mean, I don't know, 'I' am inside the stars man, are you?"
-as well as various other smaller writings like:
"Does your frown pull your brain into a funk?"
"Death is to rebirth as I am to me"
"Bitter sweet salty treat"
"Where is the center of your emotion? Where does your happiness show up in Your body language?"
"Star dust"
"If you can't be a supernova, you'd better just tap-out man."
"The visual must be the epicenter of an explosion of white glitter in the sun."
Those must have been my current high thoughts.