Well, I never smoke when I'm going to be with my kids, and I went to see them right after the movie. Totally gonna smoke and Re-Watch it though.
People ask me why I won't see my kids when I've been smoking.....
And you know what? I think it would be a bad idea.
They have already had to watch me throw myself in the gutter with speed and coke, then try for years to pull myself out of the gutter. The way the media and a lot of society smear the word DRUG all over marijuana, they would not understand the difference between a bowl of bud and an 8ball.
I've read that weed can seriously fuck people up when smoked chronically before the age of 18. But, you know, I'm not some medical professional, and I didn't write my dissertation on it. So, maybe it's not true. But then again, maybe it really is true, and I'd really like my kids to have a fighting chance at an education and a life.
I mean, they have half the genetics of an alcoholic, abusive, abused, adult-child-of-an-alcoholic, bi-polar, borderline, temper-tantrum-throwing asshole who not only abandoned them, but then went out and made Seven other babies........
Then, they have half of my genetics- which are made of glitter, blood, and cravings for sushi.
These kids need all the guidance they can get.
I got some really good weed the other day man! It's called blue dream, and you know what? This is the coolest thing- it Tastes BLUE, and sparkly!
it makes the air thick, so you can wave your hand through it and see the wake!!