I hope we go, I am looking forward to this. It will be fun.
But may I ask what's up with the required dressing?
OK serious answer. We are a band of 6th century Celts on the run from from the Roman Empire. It's an SCA-type thing. Whenever possible, we live, camp, dress and eat as they did. And we celebrate the days of the earth, the equinoxes and the solstices and so forth. You're hot as a zombie, you'd make a perfect Celtic sword woman...
So we play on the beach and in the water all day Sat. Probably get a game of happy hour tag going. You take a large pitcher of mixed beverage, put it in a sealable container, throw it out in the middle of the Potomac. The object is to sail up, grab it from the water, take a drink, lose it and toss it back without ramming another boat. And other reindeer games.
Break for dinner at dusk. Potluck. Bring a block of cheese and a loaf of bread or the like, who (besides me) really cooks anymore?
Ceremony is fairly simple, we circle around a fire, pass a staff and you introduce yourself. Then, since Spring equinox is usually presided by Aila, the Persian short person, we just over 9 small fires to cleanse the demons of the long winter or some such ancient tradition. Then the druid gives thanks and we pass a cup and you give your thoughts on the return of Spring. Then we're going to kill Aila and drag her small body away and when we resurrect her she will be one of us. Meantime there be lots of consumption going on.
Later, we take the SS Manfrog to the Island where we make dirty shadowpuppets on a huge cross that faces Virginia.
Sunday we get over the hangover and sail, sun, hang out. Steeleye makes pancakes. I think his boys and I are going to launch Estes rockets. I overpowered one yesterday and it was never seen again. Probably in LGSO. Take down, pack up, clean up later.