Since I'm late, and my add/adhd is kicking in i'll admit I read the first page and skimmed through the last 4 pages.. I'm on the same boat as you Chem, I really don't want to be "involved" in a relationship especially the touching part. I'm also a fat apathetic um non druggie and whatever my loser status doesn't change the fact I don't want to be involved.. i dont want to be physical.. and on the flip side I've also been the same as the chick, very very pushy 'this is what i want and i'm not going to shut up or go away until i get my way' (im sure someone here would agree) but the way i am TODAY i'd get really annoyed at her for pushing the issue. I'd probably get really pissed and tell her to fuck off for pushing the issue.. but i'm a control freak like that. but you really don't know until you guys actually physically get together. if she gets touchy feely you can punch her in the boobs and run.
/as if ANY of that was helpful. im done.