
Quote from: krapsna
Go ahead and tell Kyle how much of an asshole he is! Don't be a pussy just because he owns this shit!

Question for Older Membership of L-G(Read 50377 times)
Question for Older Membership of L-G on: August 29, 2009, 08:20:12 AM
Y'all wanted/needed some "new blood" around here, so Zoomie goes out and does his damnedest to rustle up some cool folks, INCLUDING closing another board on another forum, and inviting those posters to come here.

Then, when they get here,

all y'all can do is tear 'em up and yell at them about what they're doing that you don't like?   :o

WTF is up with THAT???

Do y'all NOT want to "meet" us ~ as in, get to know us a little bit before deciding that we're just a bunch of dorks?

We don't want to come in and immediately start rocking the boat, but every one of the HF New Members just stepped off the Titanic, right after our old house, that we'd lived in for so long, was burnt to the ground.  If you seriously think none of us is going to want to talk about it, you're crazy.

Hip used the "Welcome To My Home" thang, but i've got to tell y'all ~ if ANYone invited me to their home, and then treated me like this?  i'd spit on their floor, do an about-face, "shake the dust from my sandals" and get on down the road.

So, my question is this:

Do y'all REALLY want new members?  'Cuz if you DO?  You've have got a WEIRD WAY of showing it...
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 08:21:46 AM by fyrenza »
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #1 on: August 29, 2009, 08:38:01 AM
its typical. i dont see where they are reacting any different than any other board would,.

i imagine some of them feel threatened. i mean a dozen or more of us come in all knowing eachother.
i imagine those on here with low self esteems,that question their own self worth are very threatened.

just remember that  the next time they start bitching,its not really about us,its about their own insecurities.

some people are just weak that way.. ::)

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #2 on: August 29, 2009, 08:47:59 AM
Typical? Yes.
Insecurities? You're kidding yourself.

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #3 on: August 29, 2009, 08:52:32 AM
its OK yall can deny it, most folks with those issues do.. ::)

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #4 on: August 29, 2009, 08:59:02 AM
Me personally, I'm happy for new members.

However, I dont walk into other peoples homes, and procede to act the way I would in my own home. I would expect them to be mightily pissed if I proceeded to bitch about how the people are mean to me because I expect them to instantly adapt to the way I do things, and not show any respect for the way they do things. And I would expect them to be particularly pissed if all I did was bombard them with discussion of something they could give a fuck about.

Now, I've been fairly lenient about the HF folks and their ways, but I have run out of patience with them. You are at Loaded-Gun now, time for you to drop the HF shit and learn to live here, by our culture, not yours.

If you dont like it, you are free to find somewhere else to post. Good luck in finding a place that gives you the kind of freedom you get here, without some kind of aggressive welcoming.

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #5 on: August 29, 2009, 09:03:29 AM
Is the internet being mean to you? The internet is a mean place.
Are all people who are mean on the internet insecure? Or is it just here? Or just when you're the target of the meanness?
Welcome to the internet.

PS - But like Mosh says, I also like new members.

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #6 on: August 29, 2009, 09:07:37 AM
perhaps i am missing a lot but i have saw more references to HF by the LG folks in the last two days than the old RT'ers here.

 it seems like since the initial threads died out its yal lthat  keep bringing HF up over and over gain to me,much more than those that came from there.

 as far as the whole "if ya dont like it leave" thing..lol

 so a place billed as having no rules suddenly has rules that we must live by or GTFO??


i am me ,i dont change who i am or how i act for anyone. if i walked in your house i would act the same way as i act here. dont like it? throw me out or get used to it..

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #7 on: August 29, 2009, 09:10:50 AM
Do y'all NOT want to "meet" us ~ as in, get to know us a little bit before deciding that we're just a bunch of dorks?

Well I think you are a great example of someone who (IMO) is truly a good person with big heart, but is still ultimately an uberdork.  I like you as a person, and I could probably sincerely like and respect some of the others too......but that doesn't negate the fact that you're all so exquisitely dorky, because obviously like-minded people congregate, and you all walked into another like-minded group who are all cynics and who all have varying degrees of an elitist outlook (whether they even realize it or not).  So what the fuck is gonna happen?  The clever-minded problem children that have perfected the craft of psychological projection can't help but nit-pick all the retarded things that gentle hearted dorks say and do with complete disregard or ignorance to the fact that many of the things that are the norm in world of hippie dorks, are things that the uppity cynics would consider a complete breach of their etiquette.

Mosh just explained how this problem is solved other than leaving the board, and to put it more simply, the old proverb "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" sums it up best.

So it all boils down to the fact that you're in fucking Rome.
A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #8 on: August 29, 2009, 09:13:20 AM
Okay, well, if that's how you feel...

It's just that i can't say i've EVER been invited over to someone's house, and then, whilst they sit in their big recliner, clicking through the p0rn channels, i'm told to stand somewhere out of the way, until i can get the lay of the land and the flow of the "household."  

Usually, the folks are happy to see me, so i'm greeted, at the door.

The next thing is, i'm made to feel comfortable with general chit-chat/getting to know you convos.

A truly good host/ess will make sure you know where the bathroom is, show you the bar (if they don't want to go to the trouble of fixing their guests drinks), ASK you about the types of music you like,

and do their best to please their guests, sort of like they're actually happy to have them...
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 09:16:27 AM by fyrenza »
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #9 on: August 29, 2009, 09:16:17 AM
so a place billed as having no rules suddenly has rules that we must live by or GTFO??

Now I could be very wrong, and I want any of the L-G regulars to let me know if they disagree, but I have a hard time believing that many of them would disagree with the statement the L-Gers have freedom, and the amount of freedom that visitors have may vary.
A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #10 on: August 29, 2009, 09:20:44 AM

It's just that i can't say i've EVER been invited over to someone's house, and then, whilst they sit in their big recliner, clicking through the p0rn channels, i'm told to stand somewhere out of the way, until i can get the lay of the land and the flow of the "household."

No, you're not being told to go somewhere out of the way, you're being told to sit and watch this porn and enjoy it.

A truly good host/ess will make sure you know where the bathroom is, show you the bar (if they don't want to go to the trouble of fixing their guests drinks), ASK you about the types of music you like,

and do their best to please their guests, sort of like they're actually happy to have them...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the hosts (Thrash and Mosh) have done exactly that.
A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #11 on: August 29, 2009, 09:21:54 AM
I agree with Mosh.

I don't get this whole 'this is us, we won't change, if you don't like it tough' kinda outlook some people've got. No point.

....And besides, the smilies in this place suck.

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #12 on: August 29, 2009, 09:24:20 AM

So it all boils down to the fact that you're in fucking Rome.

 this is where i point out that rome self destructed due to its leaders ego maniacal,power hungry,self absorbed obsessions.. ::)

Now I could be very wrong, and I want any of the L-G regulars to let me know if they disagree, but I have a hard time believing that many of them would disagree with the statement the L-Gers have freedom, and the amount of freedom that visitors have may vary.

 lol, cliques and clans.. well if yall dont want me here ban me.. otherwise get used to the way i interact. i tend to feed off others energies therefore i give back what is given out,not necessarily to me..

 i can play nice, however so far here i have seen little incentive to..

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #13 on: August 29, 2009, 09:27:07 AM
It's my mistake, then, because i expected, at the very minimum, common courtesy from a close-knit group looking to welcome new membership.

ps.  i haven't gone through ANYthing like this at Forum Garden, tbh, nor at TGK's Deviance.

pps.  How do you even know if i'm a dork?  Even as open as i am, you haven't come anywhere close to knowing me...  In my own defense, i've been called Weird Wendy and been told i'm a "Flower Child," but i can't remember ever being called a dork.  whatever
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 09:31:37 AM by fyrenza »
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #14 on: August 29, 2009, 09:33:46 AM
Maybe I've just been frequenting evil corners all my life but I've never in my life posted at a forum that welcomed me without giving me at least a few months of shit. Hell when there are no new members, the old members tend to beat up on each other. Anonymity breeds cruelty, but it's all in good fun.

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #15 on: August 29, 2009, 09:34:35 AM
perhaps i am missing a lot but i have saw more references to HF by the LG folks in the last two days than the old RT'ers here.

 it seems like since the initial threads died out its yal lthat  keep bringing HF up over and over gain to me,much more than those that came from there.

 as far as the whole "if ya dont like it leave" thing..lol

 so a place billed as having no rules suddenly has rules that we must live by or GTFO??


i am me ,i dont change who i am or how i act for anyone. if i walked in your house i would act the same way as i act here. dont like it? throw me out or get used to it..

What you are missing is that a lot of the angst causing posts have been merged into a single thread, where as the responses may not necessarily have been moved.
I said about adhering to culture. Yes there are rules here, like everywhere else, and yes we expect all users to follow them, but you know what, the rules are based in common sense. And for what its worth, you havent been one of the offending users, to my knowledge.

Let me reiterate for the last time, we do not (as a rule) amend or delete posts, except for personal information or illegal material. We do not ban users. You are free to post what you want, but dont bitch if you dont like the response.

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #16 on: August 29, 2009, 09:35:02 AM
this is where i point out that rome self destructed due to its leaders ego maniacal,power hungry,self absorbed obsessions.. ::)

It's an accurate metaphor, isn't it?  This place has "self destructed" several times over the years. 

i tend to feed off others energies therefore i give back what is given out,not necessarily to me..

 i can play nice, however so far here i have seen little incentive to..

And you probably never will.  The majority of the regulars will only "play nice" once you have earned their respect.  If you don't wanna try and earn our respect, this board will prove to be very hostile. *Edit: Unless you are a hot chick that posts tit pics.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 09:37:16 AM by ChemCaterpillar »
A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #17 on: August 29, 2009, 09:35:58 AM
so a place billed as having no rules suddenly has rules that we must live by or GTFO??

Now I could be very wrong, and I want any of the L-G regulars to let me know if they disagree, but I have a hard time believing that many of them would disagree with the statement the L-Gers have freedom, and the amount of freedom that visitors have may vary.

Vistors, true. Members, no. And these people are members. You may consider them refugees from HF, n00bs and subhumans but that would be because you are a sociopathic asshole. Perhaps I have made a mistake. A mistake in bringing some of my friends here. And a mistake in calling some of you friends. You'll get along or you won't. This site has ALWAYS been very diverse and mostly tolerant.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #18 on: August 29, 2009, 09:40:53 AM

And you probably never will.  The majority of the regulars will only "play nice" once you have earned their respect. 

 yeah well, that shit works both ways.. when folks are talkin down to me and my friends and belittling them and their words i see no reason to try and "earn their respect".

im not some snot nosed kid seeking to be accepted.

 so by your logic we are supposed to kiss yalls asses why yall insult and belittle us??

lol, good luck with that..

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #19 on: August 29, 2009, 09:45:20 AM
It's my mistake, then, because i expected, at the very minimum, common courtesy from a close-knit group looking to welcome new membership.

Our original board that went up over a decade ago started out overflowing with vitrol, and no matter how "tight" some of us get, that will never go away as it is almost a part of the culture and tradition of the board.

pps.  How do you even know if i'm a dork?  Even as open as i am, you haven't come anywhere close to knowing me...  In my own defense, i've been called Weird Wendy and been told i'm a "Flower Child," but i can't remember ever being called a dork.  whatever

Unfortunately, putting up an extensive defense over simply being called a dork is something that a dork would do.
A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #20 on: August 29, 2009, 09:47:37 AM
Zooms, I havent had a problem with new folks coming here, I've had a problem with the RT/HF folks not taking any time to get to know us, but to expect us to get onside with them and their "problems". Naturally, the long timers dont care about their "problem", because our board works.

The fault is not yours, youre not responsible for their actions after they arrive here.

And you know what, Sakhi and Fyrenza have fitted in nicely here, because they got with the culture and didnt demand that we respect them without earning it.

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #21 on: August 29, 2009, 09:53:19 AM
This site has ALWAYS been very diverse and mostly tolerant.

I agree, but no one who gets easily butthurt or can't at least dust themselves off after will never agree that there is tolerance here.

yeah well, that shit works both ways.. when folks are talkin down to me and my friends and belittling them and their words i see no reason to try and "earn their respect".

See above statement to Zoomie.

im not some snot nosed kid seeking to be accepted.

Oh, but everyone is deep down inside.

so by your logic we are supposed to kiss yalls asses why yall insult and belittle us??

Once again, see the above statement to Zoomie.
A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #22 on: August 29, 2009, 09:55:06 AM
This is not the first social experiment of its kind that I have been involved in. I mixed Loaded-Gun with Dalhraidia on several occasions. Everyone liked Cain but he wasn't interested in becoming a regular. Eitje had a great time and wanted on the mailing list but there was opposition from some D-Rads. Emp has been back several times and is always welcome at our fire, we'd like him to fight with the Concusare. We're not fucking Spartans.

So again, you either fit or you don't. The alternative is Devient where you can say and do what you want but you have to put up with TGK using shit as a masturbatory lubricant. And talking bout it. Daily.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #23 on: August 29, 2009, 09:57:31 AM

And you probably never will.  The majority of the regulars will only "play nice" once you have earned their respect.

 yeah well, that shit works both ways.. when folks are talkin down to me and my friends and belittling them and their words i see no reason to try and "earn their respect".

im not some snot nosed kid seeking to be accepted.

 so by your logic we are supposed to kiss yalls asses why yall insult and belittle us??

lol, good luck with that..

See this is the thing, its all about you. And I dont know you from a bar of soap, so why should I give a flying fuck about you and your friends when youve come into my house and carried on like it was the old place. It has nothing to do with me so why should I have to see anything about it IN MY OWN PLACE????

You see my point now?

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #24 on: August 29, 2009, 10:02:49 AM
Zooms, I havent had a problem with new folks coming here, I've had a problem with the RT/HF folks not taking any time to get to know us, but to expect us to get onside with them and their "problems". Naturally, the long timers dont care about their "problem", because our board works.

The fault is not yours, youre not responsible for their actions after they arrive here.

And you know what, Sakhi and Fyrenza have fitted in nicely here, because they got with the culture and didnt demand that we respect them without earning it.

I completely agree.  I don't know the others enough but I can say that I'm happy to have Sakhi and Fyrenza around now.

So again, you either fit or you don't.

I think that really is the gist of it.  If you aren't enjoying yourself here, you don't belong here.  Look at which one in your group adapted the quickest, and IMO is almost like a chameleon when it comes to blending in with this board.

.....yeah, that's right, the innocent young teenage girl who can take 10 times more shit without batting an eyelid than whoever is posting complaints about how they are treated.  
A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #25 on: August 29, 2009, 10:07:08 AM
She's an HF refugee?

EDIT: Never mind. I'll lurk till I learn.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 10:09:40 AM by Doormouse »

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #26 on: August 29, 2009, 10:09:40 AM

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #27 on: August 29, 2009, 10:10:03 AM
I agree with Mosh.

I don't get this whole 'this is us, we won't change, if you don't like it tough' kinda outlook some people've got. No point.

....And besides, the smilies in this place suck.

It isn't that 'this is us, we won't change,' ~ ALL of us will by surrounding ourselves with new people.

It's more: Hey, L-G knew where we were coming from, knew all about the fiasco going on, AND INVITED US TO COME HERE.

It's a SHOCK ~ every one of y'all remembers what it feels like to have a forum melt down, around you.  HF'er's are in shock, at first, and wondering who all made it out, and where they went, and what, EXACTLY, even happened.  Some of us would like to talk about it, 'cuz it's bizarre ~ WHY would the owner of a popular site TRY to get rid of LONG-TIME and/or PAYING members?  (ANY site, not just HF, but that's our last experience, so.)

And people are who they are ~ i, personally, am sick of folks getting all bent out of shape over the fact that i LIKEEE the different fonts/sizes/colors/smilies/ALL the goodies,

and feel like, in order to "fit in," i MUST put aside all of the things that i like, in order to please others.  THAT is considered the freedom of "being myself?"  For me, that's being allowed to say whatever i want, just not HOW i would like to say it, and imho, THAT is censorship.

WHY can't folks post, howEVER they'd like to?  Why provide the tools, and then have everyone use their hands?

All of the "tools" ~ the smilies, the styles, colors, sizes ~ are there to make THIS form of communication (typing to each other) more like normal conversation, where some folks speak in monotones and others are more animated.

i'm with you, Sakhi ~ i don't get why, nor how, someone's posting style could make any difference,

but i'm beginning to think that folks really ARE falling into the "we're nothing baaaaaaaaaat Sheep" mindset...
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #28 on: August 29, 2009, 10:12:58 AM
I've been keeping quiet because I'm not one to impose on other people's shit, I always hated it when people came to RT and started crying and carrying on because we weren't the hippies they expected.  I'll probably lurk more or less until I get the hang of shit.  And lol, HHB, it's funny because what you're doing here is pretty similar to stuff we would've jumped up people's asses for at RT.  I'm not complaining, just an amusing observation.

Re: Question for Older Membership of L-G Reply #29 on: August 29, 2009, 10:22:51 AM
It's more: Hey, L-G knew where we were coming from, knew all about the fiasco going on, AND INVITED US TO COME HERE.

Zoomie invited you guys, L-G as a whole didnt. If we did as a whole, then yeah, we wouldnt have a leg to stand on. But I'm pretty sure as whole, if we'd known we'd have reacted differently than we did.  Overall, I'm glad Zoomie did invite you guys.

And people are who they are ~ i, personally, am sick of folks getting all bent out of shape over the fact that i LIKEEE the different fonts/sizes/colors/smilies/ALL the goodies,

I have never complained about your posting style.

[edited for clarification]
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 12:23:20 PM by Mosh »