THAT's the point!
"Rednecks" are supposed to be JUST as racist as, say, White Supremacists,
only They work at "cowboy" (read that: grunt labor, rain or shine, heat or cold: REbuilding fences; rounding up stray cattle; shoveling chicken shit; picking cotton; tearing down old places for the wood's resale value; etc.) jobs.
(Also Read That: no benefits; no insurance; no frickin' NOTHING, but "under-the-table" pay...)
Si? Just because we disagree with Obozo doesn't make us Racists, nor does the fact that we're southerners. hhBill IS an intelligent, thinking man, and a good person to have around ~ for shits-n-grins, for discussion, for information, for partying down with.
i can't be an "advertisement" for him, anymore.
Just get to know him ~ he's a respectFUL man, as well as a man deserving of respect, and you truly WILL be missing out on something if he up and leaves.