Ok so let an expert help you out here.
Putting clear plastic over your windows doesn't do much but empty your wallet. If your windows are that bad, replace them. If the windows are good but you still get drafts, caulk them from the outside. Stop wasting money on a petroleum product that has a 50 year half life, and that you use for 4 months and then stuff in a landfill, asswipes.
Insulating your water heater is a waste f time and money. Modern water heaters are extremely well and efficiently insulated, about 4 times what they were just 20 years ago. And if you have a gas fired water heater you just wrapped an appliance filled with flame with a flammable material. And probably voided your fire insurance.
Want better efficiency for your buck? Insulate the pipes in your basement and get a tankless water heater. It only heats what you use, doesn't store anything, shuts off when you shut off the faucet. Costs a little more than a regular water heater but could save you $250 a year. Ask nick, I bet that's all they have in Japan.
Get a new furnace is you haven't in the last 5 years.And get one that is power vented out through the wall of the house instead of one that connects to a chimney. Try opening a window and turning off the AC. It was a wonderful summer, I only ran mine one night so far and it looks like summer is over. Get ceiling fans in every room and learn how to use them.
Insulate your attic and put on a new roof. Have all penetrations (plumbing vents, chimneys, skylights through the roof removed or re-routed so there is no heat loss overhead.
Get a point of use alternative energy system. It uses a combination of two small solar panels, a small wind turbine generator, a bank of storage batteries and a power inverter to power things in your house that run all the time. Like the refrigerator, your modem and your wifi router. Then you have complete control over how much energy you have to buy. Steeleye and I will have a prototype tested and available for install in the Spring.
Join a co-op with your friends or shop at the bulk stores. Or go to the local farmer's market every week. Two heads of lettuce at Costco cost less that one at Giant or Safeway.
If you do eat meat, Go hunting this fall. Jesus please us, several of you live in the northeast corridor. The deer are so plentiful they are like rats. Or talk to your local Amish farmer. You can get a whole chicken grown organically for $5 there. Try to get a nice one at the supermarket for less than $8.
Brown bag your lunch to work everyday. I can eat lunch, and eat WELL for a week on what one lunch in a restaurant will cost.
If you really want to eat well and inexpensively, stop cooking "American" foods and learn to cook Asian, Indian and Mexican food. Most of them are so poor but their food is good. Must be cheap, right? Look at what we had to eat at the river last month. Ten bucks a head for three meals and all that food? I didn't make any money on it, and I didn't lose any either.
Remember I was a single dad for 15+ years. We know how to pinch a penny.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2009, 08:35:57 PM by Zoomie »

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