Yeah suck it up. Its the flu. (yes a hell of a flu), but ALL flus are gawdaweful after all, but its still the flu. More contagious maybe. but shit... the world has endured H1N1, what, three times in recorded history? Once in the early 1900's, it killed like a bazillion people. The Cold killed fuckers back then. Then the70's, we THOUGHT it killed folks, but people were offing from AID's, we just didnt know what it was then (thanks hippies). Now? Christ, a man on the moon (allegedly), USSR's gone, Cuba has cell phones, aMERICA has a negro president that no imbred white trash has shot yet, I think we can handle the flu... Again,suck it up. I find out ONE of you cunts gets that damn vaccine (except ferynza, or however you spell that shit, Im drunk) Im over and out... again.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2009, 07:47:53 AM by BURNaMERICA »

I have an American dream, but mine involves Black Masks and Gasoline..