Zoomie, you ignorant slut, shouting "NO IT'S NOT!!!" isn't going to change a damned thing.
And furthermore, if the current bill were to pass private insurance would pretty much be history, as it effectively paralyzes existing private insurance policies as well as forbidding insurers from refusing clients with pre-existing conditions, setting them up to be run into the ground. What was that Alinsky said about destroying your opponent first by fixing them in place?
this isn't about providing healthcare to Americans, and it never was. It is about luring the howling mob into handing over control of a part of their lives which can thereafter be used to purchase or extort votes from them to perpetuate the left's insatiable hunger for power. They don't write 1000 pages of legalese for the good of humanity, they write 1000 pages of legalese to obscure their intentions and make everything so convoluted that they'll be able to interpret it in whichever way best suits them without accountability.
Kind of like passing a $700,000,000,000 already containing enough kick-backs, pay-offs, and bribes that there was no need for riders, then claiming it contained no "pork".