
Quote from: Emperor Reagan
And then the Son of the Lord walked out of the tomb and spoke to Mary, "Thou shallt stuff theyself with bacon, for it is the will of God." - Mark 48:36

And then Jesus went into the wilderness.  After fasting for 40 days and nights, he gorged himself on 30 Kosher beef franks in 36 minutes, setting what was then the Guinness World Record.  - Acts 16:94

The Bible is full of such versus. 

The best part of watching Obama speak...(Read 21044 times)
Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #30 on: September 11, 2009, 06:48:05 PM
And furthermore, if the current bill were to pass private insurance would pretty much be history, as it effectively paralyzes existing private insurance policies as well as forbidding insurers from refusing clients with pre-existing conditions, setting them up to be run into the ground.

Did I mention in my post that the system that works in this country hasnt destroyed private health insurance funds? In fact, numbers of people with private health insurance are higher than ever. The health funds make a lot of money. And there are caveats about pre-existing conditions.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2009, 06:49:09 PM by Mosh »

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #31 on: September 11, 2009, 07:30:06 PM
Now people are rushing to defend the safety of the insurance industry?
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #32 on: September 11, 2009, 08:14:01 PM
No. Right wing big business supporting Republican assholes have been defending Big Insurance and Big Pharmaceutical all along. Fortunately they are the minority these days.

Who's the nigger now, boys?
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #33 on: September 11, 2009, 11:33:52 PM
I just thought that it would be enlightening to point out from my own knowledge and experience what is the reality, at least in this country.

And it's been this way since the 1970's... with revisions.

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #34 on: September 12, 2009, 10:31:55 AM
Works in NZ. An extra cent in income tax means noone dies because they can't afford a doctor.
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #35 on: September 12, 2009, 02:26:26 PM
I just thought that it would be enlightening to point out from my own knowledge and experience what is the reality, at least in this country.

And it's been this way since the 1970's... with revisions.

Works in NZ. An extra cent in income tax means noone dies because they can't afford a doctor.

ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #36 on: September 12, 2009, 04:20:13 PM
I just thought that it would be enlightening to point out from my own knowledge and experience what is the reality, at least in this country.

And it's been this way since the 1970's... with revisions.

And you got close to it. There is alot of things private health insurance wont cover even under the 'complete hospital' plans. True alot of the stuff is superfluous to the common patient....when you you are atypical...it sucks ass.

btw $70 a month ? You under a company plan...right ?
Quote from: FB comment
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #37 on: September 12, 2009, 04:26:06 PM
Like yours.  Only different.

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #38 on: September 12, 2009, 04:47:30 PM
Looks like the plan to keep everyone arguing is working.

Since McCain is one of bush's close personal buddies I voted for Obama as a last ditch effort, a last hope as it were.
It has since become clear we have no hope.

But giving out trillions of dollars was not Obama's personal agenda, he didn't think it up.
All of this shit was predefined and would have happened right on cue no matter who we were allowed to elect.

In my opinion.

Seems to me our Presidents main role today is simply to act as a focus point for polarizing the public into bickering fragments.


Nice take on it, Tru!!

And that's  a Major part of why i don't like to see folks just worshiping him, and not bothering to look any further than MSM for any of the cover-ups and/or evidence of EXACTLY THIS ~ he's being used, too.  There is a trail of breadcrumbs a MILE WIDE about the things in Obama's closet ~ him AND Michelle.  They are caught in a web of their own, not "making," but avaricious scheming.  The whole thing is disgusting, imho.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2009, 04:58:02 PM by fyrenza »
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #39 on: September 12, 2009, 04:51:08 PM
Like yours.  Only different.

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #40 on: September 12, 2009, 04:59:36 PM
...it sucks ass.

is that irony?

If it IS, i suppose everyone will be Sneering at me as i lie, dying ...
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #41 on: September 12, 2009, 05:00:39 PM
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #42 on: September 12, 2009, 05:44:04 PM

you guys should have conspiratorial babies.
Like yours.  Only different.

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #43 on: September 12, 2009, 06:05:19 PM
It isn't a "conspiracy theory" if it's based in fact, rather than avoidance of fact.

But, yeah, i guess it would be fair to say Tru has a fan on this issue
« Last Edit: September 12, 2009, 06:06:35 PM by fyrenza »
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #44 on: September 12, 2009, 06:08:13 PM

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #45 on: September 12, 2009, 07:11:45 PM
I just thought that it would be enlightening to point out from my own knowledge and experience what is the reality, at least in this country.

And it's been this way since the 1970's... with revisions.

And you got close to it. There is alot of things private health insurance wont cover even under the 'complete hospital' plans. True alot of the stuff is superfluous to the common patient....when you you are atypical...it sucks ass.

btw $70 a month ? You under a company plan...right ?

My experience within the health system is limited. $70 a month is with Medibank Private, which is after the 30% tax rebate, medium level of cover, no spouse, no dependents. It'll go up if Rudd gets his way and means tests the rebate.

My personal opinion is that all medications should be on the PBS, in particular cancer drugs. Fucking Howard neutered that scheme.

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #46 on: September 12, 2009, 08:12:53 PM
Well, that $70 figure makes sense then.

The means test: IF the difference (what higher earning people) was added onto budget of the public system....im all for it. I can only see it being added to general revenue...so I vote no.

Howard and I didnt get along on so many levels its not funny. I do however give props to Costello for being a decent account. Didnt agree with everything he did, but still, he wasent a total dick.
Quote from: FB comment
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #47 on: September 15, 2009, 10:01:43 PM
We pay like $250/mo, and have $150 put onto a Flex Card per month,

which allows us to pay for office visits, meds (our copay), other medicinal needs such as First Aid products,

and all of which is deducted from our income BEFORE taxes are figured on the Gross.

We have good care, a good hometown hospital, and access to better care, should we need it.

We're pretty happy with what we've got.

Would we pay another penny to insure that ALL folks got access to healthcare?

We'd do a $1, if it TRULY helped the folks that Need it.

If it's just to line someone's pockets?  Count me out of even the penny solution.
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #48 on: September 20, 2009, 06:18:57 AM
Would we pay another penny to insure that ALL folks got access to healthcare?

We'd do a $1, if it TRULY helped the folks that Need it.

If it's just to line someone's pockets?  Count me out of even the penny solution.

I get the worry about the lining someone pockets thing, and if there was any suggestion that my cent and a half per dollar earned Medicare levy was inappropriately lining pockets, then there'd be an outcry like you wouldnt believe in this country. I actually think a cent and a half is probably too low, 2 cents would be closer to the mark I think, and I dont think anyone would complain.

The thing is that absolutely every one, from the wealthiest person to the poorest person is guaranteed medical cover because of it. I think that's where the plan in the US is flawed.

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #49 on: September 21, 2009, 02:54:15 AM
[quoter]I think that's where the plan in the US is flawed.[/quote]

Dam straight.
Reality; A shared narrative we all agree to believe.

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #50 on: October 09, 2009, 05:20:16 AM
Nigger lied his way to the Nobel peace prize
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #51 on: October 09, 2009, 08:38:14 AM
Nigger lied his way to the Nobel peace prize

They're going to feel pretty dumb when we're bombing Iran next year.

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #52 on: October 09, 2009, 09:16:54 AM
No dumber than they should feel that we're bombing Afghanistan this afternoon...
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #53 on: October 09, 2009, 09:22:21 AM
No dumber than they should feel that we're bombing Afghanistan this afternoon...

And carrying on a slightly more covert war across the border?

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #54 on: October 09, 2009, 09:34:00 AM
They're just military advisors helping Pakistan with a little problem. Nothing to see here, pay no attention to that man behind the curain...
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #55 on: October 09, 2009, 09:39:45 PM
The only plus side to him winning the Nobel Prize is that I am am now arguing against equally insane points of view on both sides of the Obama divide (against birthers, against the nutso liberals that thing he deserves the award).

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #56 on: October 09, 2009, 10:22:14 PM
Let's remember that the nominations were secret, that Nobel is a third party issue and that NO ONE of any consequence in the US Government had any hand in the matter. Also all deliberations take place offshore.

So whether or not you or any liberal shithead believe that he deserves the award, a section of the world demographic thought he did and gave it to him. It should have zero bearing on his policies and leadership in this country. But it will have a significant effect on his (and our nation's) prestige and place in world standing.

Right or wrong, the thinkers of the world have spoken.

No, I'm kidding, he got it because he's black.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2009, 10:23:07 PM by Zoomie »
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #57 on: October 09, 2009, 11:30:27 PM
How is this such a big deal?
Are the right-wing really so bitter about this that they can't feel any joy for the honor the country is getting?
Has anyone considered this event in context?

The right-wing is blowing this completely out of proportion.
Really this whole thing is about the new tack our country is taking on the international relations front.
Obama's refreshing new approach emphasizes discussion with enemies instead of war.
Let's be honest, the policies of the past administration left a lot to be desired in this area.
Let's examine this objectively, shall we?
Is it really so impossible that the president should win the peace prize given the palpable juxtaposition of his policies compared to those of the last 8 years?
Not in my book.
God, sometimes it seems that the only thing the right-wing are good at is griping, griping, griping.

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #58 on: October 10, 2009, 02:20:56 AM
I'm far from right wing and I'm griping quite a bit about this.

I don't really see a change from Bush era policies - the tone has changed somewhat and we're more engaged with Europe, but everyone else is still fucked.  We're starting a proxy war in Pakistan, likely going to expand the war in Afghanistan, we haven't pulled out of Iraq, the Obama administration refuses to bring charges against American war criminals (everyone involved in authorizing water boarding, the activities and cover up at abu ghraib, waging a war of aggression, etc. are WAR CRIMINALS), hasn't closed gitmo or the other secret CIA prisons, continues to employ mercenaries of dubious ethical quality, has left the door ajar on torture, has made half-assed overtures to Iran (which will never be accepted because they are still under the same threatening posture and I will put money on the US or the US through our Israeli proxies attacking Iran before Obama leaves office), has agreed to continue to cover up Israel's nuclear weapons programs...I could keep going, but that's plenty to illustrate my gripes with Obama with respect to acknowledging anything to do with him being deserving of a "peace prize."

Frankly, I'm coming around to thinking that he's worse than Bush.  Bush did what he wanted with a smirk and a who cares what anyone else thinks attitude.  Obama is a smarmy piece of shit who'll get you drunk and high then try to convince you to rape a school girl with him and his buddies. 

Re: The best part of watching Obama speak... Reply #59 on: October 10, 2009, 02:52:54 AM
So ok let's take this from the top:
The wars in pakistan and afghanistan are the ones we should have been fighting all along to get osama, so that's a moot point.
It's bush's fault we got into such a cluster fuck there anyway.
Let's see, um, the iraq war is coming closer than ever to a close, and that's what the nobel prize committee was probably trying to reward ultimately.
Limbaugh, hannity, beck and oreily are the only ones crying crocodile tears about the fact that gitmo can't close down.

That's such a joke coming from them, honestly.
Republicans are the ones blocking the transfer of these prisoners to the maximum security penitentiaries so how is that obama's mess?
Obama's policy regarding iraq is also clearly justified.
Look at the concessions he just got from them like a week and a half ago to allow inspectors into their facilities.
Like bush could have done that even if he'd have tried...
I can't think of a better candidate for the peace prize than someone who actually negotiates with those who threaten us in these difficult times.
No idea what you're talking about raping a school girl... zuh?