Well, let's see.
He tried, in vain, to defend the WAR effort,
while receiving his fucking PIECE Prize???
Oh, yeah. THAT's the genius i want representing MY country.
He has no class, folks. He couldn't "etiquette" his way out of a fucking paper bag,
WITH a 10 man working party.
Please. Get over him. He won't Save The Day, and he doesn't give a rat's banana about the "lower" classes,
the dwitch of which we ALL are.
If you just LURVE getting fucked,
Come On Down!!!
i'll call Sasha, ask some questions, and then i'll pimp you out for the FUCKIN' of your LIFE!
« Last Edit: December 12, 2009, 12:56:48 PM by fyrenza »

A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity