I like old books. I've been searching for a particular SF one I remember from my childhood, and sadly all I can remember is the cover. I'm sure it's the rankest pulp, but I like pulp so there. Anyway, I was up till 4 last night searching for it after finding
this website. I was kind of out of my mind from tiredness then, and to tell the truth I'm pretty drunk tonight, but as I scan through these covers, I can't help but thinking these books are perfect summaries of some of us L-G-ers.
Game: Go through the website I linked (
here). Find covers that sum up key people here. Post your results.
To kick stuff off, here are some of you. I'm doing kind of a hack job here, since I already went through the majority of it without taking notes, so I'm sure I missed the best ones, but here's what I've come up with so far. Also I'm missing some key L-G members obviously, so I'm calling on you assholes to improve on my suggestions.
punkalllstarbagmansarahunderclassphaedrussikodanzigzoomiemoshthrashhojotrukrsnaempeitjegeektrickyhipbalor13 chemsloth