i was in training in Corpus Crispy (Christi, but i likeee Dear's name) to be a city bus driver ~ we had moved there to be closer to my bro and his family, my sis-in-law and my two nephews. Didn't work out, but, anyway,
We were in the "training room," ~
all 7 of us, one of whom was STILL trying to get her Class B license when i had to walk away because the wages were so low, there,
and so HIGH in Austin ~
when the first pictures of the first plane hitting the tower were shown.
i just sat down. It wasn't quite registering with me, what i was seeing. At that time, i didn't drink, nor smoke, other than cigs ~ being a city bus driver carries certain responsibilities, such as being ready for an emergency, at a moment's notice, so even the "legal" stuff was off-limits.
i kept watching as they showed it, over and over, and then, when the Pentagon was hit, and that other plane was lost to the heroic passengers,
it was just,
numbing. Like, HTF did This HAPPEN?!? Is no one cognizant of the fact that the radical Muslims H A T E O U R G U T S ,
and want us all dead? (All of us "infidels," that is, who won't bow down to them and their ridiculous 1800's way of life)
Think our Constitution needs a bunch of tweaks and re-writes? READ IT, and compare it to life in a Muslin controlled nation.
That's why, if Israel needs and asks for our help? We Give It.
Israel is an Ally ~ we help our allies, they help us, all of us get to remain democracies. Pretty easy to figure out, but do you play chess? Where you need to plan for strategic moves, WAY Off Into The Future?
Well, the towers disaster, and subsequent conspiracy theories, caught my eye for a day or two, and i just brushed them off as "crazies." But then, more and more came out, and i had to go back to see. i came, i saw, i wept. Veni, vidi, something-ie-sounding.