
Quote from: 13chemicals
I think I probably had more fun douching this morning than I would've had on that weekend va-ca.

Well, here it is, Sept 11th is almost over, and I've not had any real issues ...(Read 6568 times)
Typically, it's a tough day for me, it's why I go to schools and share my experiences ...
Today, I was just fine ...

I guess my PTSD is finally coming to a good edge ...

Quote from: bagman, 04-29-2002 04:35 PM
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!

(='.'=) This is the signature bunny. He's hard-fucking-core!

My father found transcendental meditation helped.

I don't see why you'd be upset by National Day of Service though, comrade. Surely you're not upset over that man-created disaster. I'm certain Leader has apologized to the alternatively-realitied grassroots spiritual organizers who understandably turned Manhattan into flaming fucking Gehenna.
It's truly a shame I am no longer there to yell at girls to make out with you.

I'd go with tantra, if it were me.

I was talking with my co-workers about today about the whole "what where you doing/where were you" thing. I was sleeping when the first plane hit. My roommate's mom called him shortly after the second plane hit the south tower and told him what was going on. He ran into my room and punched me and said "We're under attack, we're under attack!" I was startled and went to grab my baseball bat thinking he meant somebody was trying to break into the house and hurt or rob us or something. He ran outside and I was really confused... (our TV room was out in this little shed behind the house). Ran out to the TV room and watched the rest of the events of the day unfold.

Man, I remember watching the late news just before going to work that night, Sandra Sully announced that a plane had crashed into the WTC... So I went to work, I was working by myself at East Melbourne that night, put on the TV and just sat and watched it happen. I remember posting lots on the old Gun, and PM'img Carolyn... I remember lots of posts like "lets kill all the dirty sand niggers" and "fuck Saddam Hussien"...

That shit still hasnt settled.

Truly fucked up.

i was in training in Corpus Crispy (Christi, but i likeee Dear's name) to be a city bus driver ~ we had moved there to be closer to my bro and his family, my sis-in-law and my two nephews.  Didn't work out, but, anyway,

We were in the "training room," ~

all 7 of us, one of whom was STILL trying to get her Class B license when i had to walk away because the wages were so low, there,

and so HIGH in Austin ~

when the first pictures of the first plane hitting the tower were shown.

i just sat down.  It wasn't quite registering with me, what i was seeing.  At that time, i didn't drink, nor smoke, other than cigs ~ being a city bus driver carries certain responsibilities, such as being ready for an emergency, at a moment's notice, so even the "legal" stuff was off-limits.

i kept watching as they showed it, over and over, and then, when the Pentagon was hit, and that other plane was lost to the heroic passengers,

it was just,

numbing.  Like, HTF did This HAPPEN?!?  Is no one cognizant of the fact that the radical Muslims  H A T E   O U R   G U T S ,

and want us all dead?  (All of us "infidels," that is, who won't bow down to them and their ridiculous 1800's way of life)

Think our Constitution needs a bunch of tweaks and re-writes?  READ IT, and compare it to life in a Muslin controlled nation.

That's why, if Israel needs and asks for our help?  We Give It.

Israel is an Ally ~ we help our allies, they help us, all of us get to remain democracies.  Pretty easy to figure out, but do you play chess?  Where you need to plan for strategic moves, WAY Off Into The Future?

Well, the towers disaster, and subsequent conspiracy theories, caught my eye for a day or two, and i just brushed them off as "crazies."  But then, more and more came out, and i had to go back to see.  i came, i saw, i wept.  Veni, vidi, something-ie-sounding.
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

This is getting a little corny, but...
I was in school in Canada. The professor was about a half-hour late to class, and he came in all breathless saying that he was sorry he was late but that the US had just been attacked by terrorists - that the twin towers and the pentagon had all been hit by airplanes. He said that whichever of us wanted to go home or place calls to friends or family in the area could do so with his blessing. The whole class (a huge bio class of over 100 students) erupted in laughter. The whole thing seemed like such a ridiculous excuse. Nobody left and finally the professor said ok he'd start class then. I had a long break after that class and went home where my roommates were freaking out over the TV. I kinda felt like a heel.

oh man, I shouldnt laugh, but that was funny.

it's OK doormouse, prior Leader el Tejas took even longer to comprehend what had happened
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

he was busy reading a big novel, remember!!

I was in Northeast DC at a plumbing supply house when the first one hit and CNN cut to video of it. The sound was turned down and I looked up and said "Oh, the WTC is on fire. Nice." I had just returned from Korea when the previous bombs at the WTC went off and didn't think anything of it.

So I got my stuff and got on the beltway headed for the other side f the city, and was listening to Stern talk about it when I realized they were talking about PLANES hitting the WTC. Then I heard an explosion to the south. Then WJFK cut from syndicated feed to local and they announced that the Pentagon had been hit and I got the fuck OFF the main roads just in case.

By 10:30 or so the skies over DC empty except for Combat Air Patrols of alternating Air Force F-16s out of Andrews and Navy F-18s from Pax River. It was quite scary.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

I was at work in a furniture shop. We stayed on the clock 'til close, even though our overlords had gone home to their families when the mayor emptied out downtown where our showroom/offices were.

The only interesting or funny part of my experience came in the days after the attacks. For a while there, I actually had control of the only radio on the shop floor, so we listened to NPR and slowly figured out what had happened with the rest of the country. All the conversations I was having with friends outside of work were more or less like "maybe we'll figure out that there are consequences to sidelining people in favor of our resource-controlling population exploiting foreign policy and change it a little".

On the third morning after 9/11 someone got to the radio before me. When I came in, we were listening to the Mancow program (local Stern impersonator) and he was all "I hope they nuke 'em. I hope they turn Iraq into a smoking hole in the earth.". Then I snapped back to reality. People are idiots in pretty predictable ways, but I still get surprised by it.

A joke:

Knock knock.

-Who's there?


-9/11 who?

You said you'd never forget!

I remember all the reaction on the old LG, generally about how the US should turn the Arab nations into glass.
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

I loved 9/11 best live tv i have EVER seen.
Quote from: FB comment
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.

I was in uni, all of the political students loved it because they'd spent the last 18 months studying USA's influence on developing nations
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Thrash, you never looked more thin, or more sickly than when I saw you in Oct/Nov 2001 on the way home from hell.
Im glad you're doing much better.

Oh and an added thing: someone on the plane list had the same name as mine and it was actually Chewy who called me first to ask if I was alive. I had no idea what he was talking about until I saw the passenger list.

I was in uni, all of the political students loved it because they'd spent the last 18 months studying USA's influence on developing nations

Middle eastern countries aren't "developing nations". They're filthy stinkin' rich assholes who hate us for our western debauchery, yet take trips to Dubai to drink, fuck prostitutes, and drive gold plated cars.

Arab culture is completely alien to western culture in many ways. To say they want us dead because we meddled too much with them is both dead on the money but also completely wrong. They want all of western culture and non-muslims dead, regardless of whether or not we fucked around with them.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2009, 11:48:41 AM by (_)_)===D »
Go to these sites, and don't forget to tell your friends!

Typically, it's a tough day for me, it's why I go to schools and share my experiences ...
Today, I was just fine ...

I guess my PTSD is finally coming to a good edge ...

Maybe you should go see Lothar's band play. I'll bet that'll help.
Go to these sites, and don't forget to tell your friends!

I was in uni, all of the political students loved it because they'd spent the last 18 months studying USA's influence on developing nations

That's exactly how it was for me too. Most of my friends in uni were Poli Sci kids. They were big liberals and they were all saying how they could never run for office any more since they'd all written papers arguing the legitimacy of terrorist acts in limited circumstances.

I must've been asleep when it happened. I don't remember, didn't care enough at the time.

I woke up after most of it had already happened. I was sick as a dog that day, and honestly my first reaction was to be glad for the unexpected day off work (all sports were cancelled, obviously).
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Thrash, you never looked more thin, or more sickly than when I saw you in Oct/Nov 2001 on the way home from hell.
Im glad you're doing much better.

Well, after 3-4 weeks of intense stress, breathing toxic air, and more work in 3-4 weeks than in my whole lifetime, I guess it just all added up ...
You never know what these disasters I'm qualified to supervise as a paramedic/trauma nurse do to you ...
This is why I only activate under extreme circumstance and not more often than I do ...

I probably didn't look to much better after Punta Gorda and Boluxi ....

Either way; thanks ...

Quote from: bagman, 04-29-2002 04:35 PM
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!

(='.'=) This is the signature bunny. He's hard-fucking-core!

You still coming to Japan or what?

The only time I really thought about anybody from this board while I was gone is 9/11.

Quote from: FB comment
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.

College is where the young and intelligent go to explore their inner idiot.

Some of them love it so much they never leave, forging for themselves careers of professing idiocy.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2009, 10:12:31 PM by Wozzeck »
It's truly a shame I am no longer there to yell at girls to make out with you.

Well... That and getting those pesky professional degrees required for the mass dosh jobs.

Damn. And I only went for the beer and the bitches.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

There was beer and bitches at college?

Fuck. I always miss out.