Longstoryshort Bagman is a socially retarded little clown who knows nothing about how to treat a lady, which is why he'll probably end up getting AIDS off of Craigslist.
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!
Krsna, that chopper ried book is sitting on top of my TV, why not drop through town on the way home and get it, smartass? Ill even make you dinner.
[AC/DC] gonna make a jialbreak...[/AC/DC]
Do you like incomplete sentences, crystal meth and purple camo?
First off, their fucking accent is atrocious and they end every sentence with, "Hon." EVERYTHING they eat is coated in Old Bay seasoning and has some sort of crab in it. People in Merlin as they call it can't fucking drive. Other than the Inner Harbor, which is polluted as hell, the city is scary as fuck and you'll probably get shot or stabbed.