why's it always gotta be about you and what you want? hmm?
Because this is how we change the world around us.
If there is something which does not meet my needs, I either fix it, replace it, or request one of those actions from someone who has the ability to perform them. If there is something which does not meet the needs of someone and they voice it to me, I will perform the same iteration of actions to seek resolution.
If you want something from someone or something, then bring it up. Otherwise, how in God's name is he or she or it supposed to know a change is needed? Is Thrash just one day supposed to wake up and say "Oh shit, if this button were bigger, people could tap on it with their fingers!"
edit: ...but then, I guess we're just back to the
same old conversation.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2009, 07:31:26 PM by eitje »

Like yours. Only different.