I was going to start a thread about more computer nerd shit, but this looks like the place to do it!
So the fall tv shows start back up this week, and having gotten rid of cable from Time Warner (saved $80/month!) I no longer have a DVR. That is a problem for me, because I rarely watch television shows live. Anyway, I have spent a few months researching various ways of getting a DVR in my living room. I stayed away from an HTPC because I don't really want a pc in the living room, nor do I need the maintenance and upkeep on a pc. The DTVPal DVR looked like exactly what I was looking for. But the reviews are "meh" at best, and at worst the thing crashes fairly frequently during records, and for no apparent reason at all. I need a god damn solution for an OTA HD DVR. I don't want to spend any fees for a guide either on a Tivo box. There just aren't that many solutions.
Finally, a couple of weeks ago I hung my head and started looking into ATSC tuner cards. I bought this one:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815293002, because the reviews are ok and I love the remote on it. It's not too cheesy and looks like a serious remote. I installed it yesterday in my pc and took it for a whirl. The application that came with it picks up all 10 local HD channels with good signal, but Windows Media Center only picked up 6 and I had to manually add the other 4. Anyway I did some test recording and it records fine. Kind of nifty that it has a built-in FM tuner as well. I can record loveline or whatever and listen later if I want to. I do think I will be replacing the dinky anntena that came with it, with an amplified one just in case.
Anyway so I was all happy and whatever, I can watch tv on my pc. Well I want to watch it in the living room. So, having an Xbox 360, I have the Media Center Extender configured. I excitedly powered up the 360 this afternoon to watch some Live TV and a recorded HD show that I had, and FUCKKKKKK. HD streaming via 802.11G = FAIL. Live TV was of course, worse than the recorded show. The recorded show was fine for about 10 minutes and then would fuck up and the audio and video would get out of synch and I would have to pause it, change the channel and change back. SOOOOO. Problem is I do NOT want an Ethernet cable running from the router in my bed room, into my Xbox in the living room. I also don't want to drill holes in my walls to feed a cable through.
That means, back to an HTPC in the living room. I want a sleek one, that looks like it BELONGS in the living room. I'll probably end up getting a second tuner card as well so I can record two shows at once, but for now I need to find the cheapest and best-looking case available.
I have heard of ultra slim HTPC cases that are powered via fanless power supplies. Basically it's like a laptop power brick that sits "outside" the box. I believe that is going to be something that fits my needs.
Anybody know anything about these cases, seen them in action, know any good brands/models, etc?