Hezbollah, Westboro Baptist Church, Armed Front for the Defense of Sinhalese, Right wing hindu extremists and my baseball bat and gun toting cousins in the Jewish Defense League...
Don't place all the blame for whatever Napoleon complex you have on just the shoulders of Islam, Balor. Extremism is everywhere. There are no clean hands. Anywhere.
No, Zoomie... just... no.
Read the Koran, the commentaries by Muhammad's own scribes, etc. Forget all that PC "all cultures are equal" silliness.
Islam is not a religion, Islam is a personality cult created by a seizure-stricken, obsessive-compulsive, physically deformed, pathological narcissist who preached genocide, rape, torture, terrorism, the destruction of all Arabic writings preceding his ascent to power (how Orwellian), and the violent subjugation or massacre of all who refused to submit to the worship of his own delusional perception of himself as the center of all creation and the sole purpose for which his sock-puppet "god" Allah created the universe.
It should be telling that there is no one more critical or more fervent in their desire to see Islam die out than those who have left it, turning apostate at the risk of their lives. It should be telling that there is no other major religion which riots and murders en masse over a caricature of one of it's central figures or criticism of its savagery. It should be telling that before Muhammad and his Islam, women in the Middle East could go about as they pleased, own businesses and property, and have male employees. In fact, Muhammad's first wife was not only a wealthy woman, but his employer. It should be telling that the most severe restrictions on women, their veiling and cloistering, were decreed only later in Muhammad's life when one of his numerous maladies would have been rendering him physically grotesque, and oversexed yet impotent.
It should be telling that Muhammad had anyone who criticized or resisted him, both men and women, assassinated.
It should be telling that Muhammad, failing as a street-preacher, went out into the desert and garnered a following by promising bandits they would be doing "Allah"'s work (and reaping rich rewards) by making him their leader in robbing and looting caravans and villages.
It should be telling that every scrap of Islam's veneer of spirituality (which any successful cult must have) can be traced back to the pre-existing religions and philosophies in the Middle East, though Muhammad claimed them as his own revelations.
It should be telling that Abdulah ibn Sarh, one of Muhammad's own scribes, left Muhammad and Islam, in fact fleeing for his life knowing there was "no getting out", as it were, after he noticed that "Allah" changed his revelations whenever Abdulah suggested better verses.
It should be telling that Muhammad's Islam was a great influence on Adolf Hitler, and that modern Islam has taken quite a few pages from his book in turn.
But hey, if you won't take my word for it, maybe you'll pay attention to those who had the great misfortune to have been a part of Islam themselves, and the good sense to get out, though in many cases it meant risking death at the hands of complete strangers or even their own families:
http://www.faithfreedom.org/about-us/http://www.apostatesofislam.com/There is no "extremist" Islam, there is only Islam.
There are no "moderate" Muslims, there are only backsliders, who will more often than not make endless excuses for the true believers, and who serve as a breeding ground for those who seek to destroy or enslave all other cultures.