Aw man, I'm always telling these stories...
This one I was very drunk for. And exceptionally sleep deprived. Lucas and I went out drinking soon after I arrived in Austin. I've been awake 30 hours by the time I arrive, so we dump my stuff at his place and hit the town. Lucas was keen to get me liquored up on the local alcoholic beverages. I was keen to get liquored up on the local alcoholic beverages.
One bar we went to had some girls from a Roller Derby team from Colorado. The team was the aformentioned Pike's Peak Derby Dames. We got talking to three of the girls, who by the time we got to them were well cut. Anyway's, one girl is all hot and wants to take off her jacket. Lucas, being the gentleman he is, offers to hold it for the girl (I forget her name), while I'm talking to the Courtney girl. Lucas has a plan though, while the girl was screwing around with something, I notice Lucas doing something to her jacket. Coz I was drunk, I'm not sure what he was doing to the jacket, and this Courtney girl kinda has my attention anyways.
After a while Lucas and I decide to head somewhere else, so he gives the jacket back and we say cya to the Pike's Peak Derby Dames, and head off.
Somewhere between that bar and the next place we stopped at, Lucas hands me this little button pin. Its the pin of the tournament, and he says "got this for you".
That was way cool. So I have a pin from a Pike's Peak Derby Dames girl who probably didnt notice it missing til the next day. It rocks!
And those young ladies were very cute ina Suicide Girls kind of way.
Disclaimer: I was drunk and very tired by this stage, so some of the details may be not correct. By the time we got back to Lucas's place, I think I'd done 40 or so hours awake.