...are back! i'm going back to school. i've done my first two years, and accomplished my basic requirements through either class completion or CLEP exams. i had a psychology focus, to which i'm considering going back. i'm just feeling pretty lost as to what to do with myself. i'm concerned (as i was a few years ago) that a career in the psych field will push me over the edge to total-crazy, and/or that i may not be able to just leave the job at work without taking it home with me emotionally.
i really like the idea of working with people, examining their feelings, trying to understand what makes them tick. all the basics of the field. but what if i end up only being able to work in a sector that handles abused children, or burn victims, or something else totally heinous that i wouldn't be able to leave behind once i left my office for the day? my cousin just received her master's in clinical psychology, and makes $40k/year at a second-level position at a boston hospital, mostly filing paperwork for the resident psychologist on payroll. unfuckingbelievable!
today is the day i spend figuring out if this really is how i want to continue my education. it's definitely my strongest inclination when i take into account what i want to do and what interests me most (aside from love and sex) in this boring world of ours. however, most of the jobs available in new england as of today require a master's, and sometimes a doctorate. what the fuck? i guess i'm never having children.