i have definitely seen a video of a guy pulling his balls out of a woman's ass. it is awesome. awesomer when viewed backwards, though, because it looks like her asshole is sucking them in.
So UV light doesnt hit the south?
I think what will happen is a developing nation will develop and release an electric car for about $5,000.
QuoteSo UV light doesnt hit the south? During a large chunk of the year, no. Ditto the North Pole. There is also a rather conspicuous year-round lack of atmospheric electrical discharges.
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.
QuoteSo UV light doesnt hit the south? During a large chunk of the year, no.
The CFC ban, like the Man Made Ice Age Global Warming Climate Change song-and-dance is just another example of science following politics, and the less scrupulous scientists following grant money those politics scare up.
eitje: Now youre going to have to point out that the months at the bottom are for north or south earth. ( Sorry, but you are open. )
As such, it is better to err on the side of caution when considering how we interact with that system.
Quote from: Emperor Reagan on October 16, 2009, 10:23:19 PMAs such, it is better to err on the side of caution when considering how we interact with that system.I would agree. In fact I used to agree, but I think that from an evolutionary perspective this argument is too conservative.I don't believe that even if we fucked up the environment so badly that humanity perished that life would cease to exist.Heck, call me a rebel but I even think that intelligent life could re-establish itself.The only forceful argument I've seen come from the "green" side of the argument is that global warming reduces biodiversity. My counterargument would be that biodiversity is extremely capable of reestablishing itself via evolution.The only valid arguments I can see that support the cautious approach are humanistic in nature, and you wouldn't want to be labeled a speciesist, would you Emp?
The only valid arguments I can see that support the cautious approach are humanistic in nature, and you wouldn't want to be labeled a speciesist, would you Emp?
If there was a bug destroying Texas you'd want it eradicated move to SoCal.
Scientists can disagree. It's part of what makes science great - nothing is believed just because it is said, and everything should be testable. In this case, these fools have come up with a non-testable
Ahh but you see their theory is testable. For if the thing comes online next time without a hitch then it will have been proven false. If however the thing can be rebuilt perfectly and crashes over and over again with no discernible cause then perhaps it could be possible.
I made this post three days from now.