
Quote from: fyrenza
Wow, man.  Now I Don't Have An Avvy AND I can't change my title!
It's just me, I know.  But where do you change your title?  'Cuz my dufii are calling!  ;)
Quote from: 13chemicals
I do not speak the language of your tribe.  Please clarify.

We're not helping(Read 3561 times)
We're not helping on: October 16, 2009, 12:22:56 AM

New Zealand, however, is bottom of the rich country list, accused of making particularly harsh cuts in its official aid to agriculture.

And the US is second from last, described as "miserly" in its aid to developing world farmers.
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: We're not helping Reply #1 on: October 16, 2009, 01:00:00 AM
That's just because we don't care.
No one mourns the wicked.

Re: We're not helping Reply #2 on: October 16, 2009, 01:08:12 AM
Of course China shows up as the hero. Typical liberal media. The state supports small farmers... fuck that. We need good healthy free market capitalism. Stupid liberals. They want to take out guns and turn us into fags.

Re: We're not helping Reply #3 on: October 16, 2009, 01:42:19 AM
Stupid liberals. They want to take out guns and turn us into fags.

They're gonna rape us at gunpoint?
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: We're not helping Reply #4 on: October 16, 2009, 01:56:16 AM
out our

but yeah they probably want to do that too. they'll try to work their wiles on us.

Re: We're not helping Reply #5 on: October 16, 2009, 02:26:55 AM

i thought y'all were liberals?!?
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: We're not helping Reply #6 on: October 16, 2009, 02:35:55 AM
No way, man. They're screwing everything up in the government. You thought Bush was bad? Obama is much worse. He's just nothing but lies. He claims his interests for healthcare is the common man, but he really means illegal aliens. He's trying to go back to his communist ideals like Bill Ayers and Van Jones want to have. It's disgusting.

What we need is Huckabee. He's a man of integrity.

Re: We're not helping Reply #7 on: October 16, 2009, 09:52:03 AM
No way, man!  Obama's not screwing anything up.  He's doing everything EXACTLY how it needs to be done to get the WORLD back on track.  He's the new, black George Washington.
Like yours.  Only different.

Re: We're not helping Reply #8 on: October 16, 2009, 10:43:50 AM
It's only douchebags that keep dragging his race into the discourse, even in jest. Don't be a douchebag.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: We're not helping Reply #9 on: October 16, 2009, 01:02:00 PM
He's doing everything EXACTLY how it needs to be done to get the WORLD back on track.
Ah hah! Typical liberal bias! The WORLD... Bah! What do we good patriots care about the WORLD? Let the WORLD take care of itself. They all hate us anyway. We'll see who comes crying to us for help when the islamofascists attack them. Then it'll be only us and New Zealand who can afford to do anything about it because we haven't wasted all our money improving the lot of non-citizens.

Re: We're not helping Reply #10 on: October 19, 2009, 06:08:42 PM
I don't think the "conservatives" have enough farsightedness in their worldview to compete with "the liberal agenda", even if it involves us all becoming faggots.  I foresee a long liberal reign coming on, for better or worse.  As for our American dollar, well, its just part of a natural cycle.  Our whole country is devalued at the moment, other countries are more used to it than we are.  Oh well, we had a good run . . .

Re: We're not helping Reply #11 on: October 19, 2009, 06:56:20 PM
I foresee a long liberal reign coming on, for better or worse. 

Cool, so I get to keep my guns...
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: We're not helping Reply #12 on: October 19, 2009, 08:33:43 PM
This isn't really strictly a liberal versus conservative thing, but wow: Washington Post reports only 20% of those polled self-identify as Republicans.

PS - Hey TheRev, long time. Welcome back.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 08:35:31 PM by Doormouse »

Re: We're not helping Reply #13 on: October 19, 2009, 08:45:39 PM
This isn't really strictly a liberal versus conservative thing, but wow: Washington Post reports only 20% of those polled self-identify as Republicans.

PS - Hey TheRev, long time. Welcome back.

Who's gonna respond to a poll and answer the question "Are you casting your lot in with the racist teabagging obstructionist country destroying fuck heads?" with an affirmative.

Pour the wine, hold the grind, quarter to nine, let's go.

Re: We're not helping Reply #14 on: October 19, 2009, 08:54:01 PM
Well since you put it that way...
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: We're not helping Reply #15 on: October 19, 2009, 08:58:22 PM
Oh come on. The poll was half Washington Post and half ABC. I don't think ABC would be caught backing a poll with questions like that.

Here's the question as posed:
Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as (a Democrat), (a Republican), an independent or what? IF NOT DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN: Do you lean more towards the (Democratic Party) or (Republican Party)?

Re: We're not helping Reply #16 on: October 20, 2009, 12:13:33 AM
or what? nice
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.