I thought the US was the world leader in importing Nazis to work in our intelligence & scientific communities?
Also, the world leader in denying that many of our leaders during WW2 were Nazi sympathizers!
Entirely correct, the US supported the Nazi bastards as best they could, right to the end of the war. But this is intesesting information because it shows that the government of irland was in lock step with the rest of the US and other global banking interests in protecting the prime Nazi's.
ingThe narrator states that his state took far more measures to assure the existence and well being of the Nazi's than it did of its own returning vets.
It's a clue only.
Thats whats the series is about. Not the whole picture by any means but a slice of what really happened.
And Burn, I'm sorry but this shit only exists in my imagination and nowhere else. Although as Ive said, I believe it is true.