I can't believe you (more HER) then; sorry ....
I have personal reasons as to why ...
None are personal to you, so don't take it as an insult to either of you ...
Hey man, that's understandable. I wouldn't believe it either, and I scoffed at the idea when she told me, which she didn't want to (and I only found out after much persuasion). The fact is I'm intelligent enough to figure out the general level of someones IQ after I get to know them (and yes, I've been genuinely tested twice and know my IQ). Stupid people rarely realize when someone is smarter than them, and truly intelligent people usually don't feel the need prove themselves to most people. She is the only person I've gotten to know well IRL that I can admit, and proudly, that she is not only smarter than me, but clearly at genius level. Realizing on your own that someone (who doesn't flaunt it) is incredibly smart, much more than anyone you've ever conversed with, is quite amazing when you get a glimpse at how their mind works.