
Quote from: taiko
our generation is so fucked. we'll all be working until we're dead.
Quote from: Tru
Umm-yeah, really sorry about that.

Commercials that enrage you(Read 18630 times)
Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #30 on: October 31, 2009, 01:15:34 PM
The same goes for the change in voices for the Geico Gecko.

Remember when he spoke like this:
The 1999 Geico Gecko

Instead of like this:
Geico Commercial - Cafe

I've grown tolerant of the new voice, but it used to bother me.

Man, seriously.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #31 on: October 31, 2009, 02:06:37 PM
I'm torn about these:
"Get a Mac" Collection

On the one hand I actually prefer PCs, but on the other hand I don't think these commercials are showcasing the best aspect of Macs. In fact I think they're showcasing the worst aspects. I'd be much happier to be friends with the PC guy. I know the joke is ancient, but which one of those two would you hire? Which one do we think has long-term prospects?

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #32 on: October 31, 2009, 07:23:48 PM
Chris Farley doing the "Fat Guy In A Little Coat" routine for David Spade, for Direct TV. That's just creepy since Farley has been dead for 12 years...

ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #33 on: October 31, 2009, 07:51:31 PM
Another thing I don't like are the Travelocity roaming gnome commercials like this:
Exclusive Roaming Gnome Interview
So lame.
The thing that bugs me is that I feel like this is taken directly from Amelie. I thought that was a great movie, and it kind of sickens me to see how much these ads cheapen it.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2009, 07:52:31 PM by Doormouse »

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #34 on: November 04, 2009, 01:14:53 PM
The geico caveman series.  Every time I see this I want to throw something at the TV.

geico caveman series
(from bash.org) <Twig> I just had an argument with a girl I know. She was saying how it's unfair that if a guy fucks a different girl every week, he's a legend, but if a girl fucks just two guys in a year, she's a slut. So in response I told her that if a key opens lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock is opened by lots of keys, then it's a shitty lock. That shut her up.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #35 on: November 04, 2009, 01:53:54 PM
I thought it was OK at first. Ever since I discovered there was a show based off the commercials, though, I've been kind of soured on the idea.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #36 on: November 04, 2009, 02:18:14 PM
Ah thank you! You just reminded me which advert I meant to post here!

Sheila's Wheels Advertisement

Gocompare.com, Gio Compario - Coffee Shop

[i had to repost this one..]
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 02:19:18 PM by Sakhi »

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #37 on: November 04, 2009, 02:43:38 PM
Ah thank you! You just reminded me which advert I meant to post here!

Sheila's Wheels Advertisement

Gocompare.com, Gio Compario - Coffee Shop

[i had to repost this one..]

wtf?!? lol

I thought it was OK at first. Ever since I discovered there was a show based off the commercials, though, I've been kind of soured on the idea.

There's a fucking SHOW?!?!?  An actual show that's not just another elaborate GEICO ad??  That programming exec needs to be shot.
(from bash.org) <Twig> I just had an argument with a girl I know. She was saying how it's unfair that if a guy fucks a different girl every week, he's a legend, but if a girl fucks just two guys in a year, she's a slut. So in response I told her that if a key opens lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock is opened by lots of keys, then it's a shitty lock. That shut her up.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #38 on: November 04, 2009, 03:50:51 PM
There's a fucking SHOW?!?!?  An actual show that's not just another elaborate GEICO ad??  That programming exec needs to be shot.

I think he probably was: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cavemen_(TV_series)

The Cavemen ads have definitely gotten lame now, but this early one still cracks me the fuck up:

Geico apology
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #39 on: November 04, 2009, 05:16:50 PM
Don't tell me that this one doesn't bring a tear to your eye...

Caveman and 3 Doors Down-Bowling
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #40 on: November 04, 2009, 05:25:49 PM
That one's not really that clever, though. And that song BLOWS.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #41 on: November 04, 2009, 09:07:56 PM
The commercial blows, the song blows and Three Doors Down blows.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #42 on: November 04, 2009, 11:56:02 PM
It brings a tear when I think of how much the fuckers that thought that was good enough to subject the public to get paid.
(from bash.org) <Twig> I just had an argument with a girl I know. She was saying how it's unfair that if a guy fucks a different girl every week, he's a legend, but if a girl fucks just two guys in a year, she's a slut. So in response I told her that if a key opens lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock is opened by lots of keys, then it's a shitty lock. That shut her up.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #43 on: November 05, 2009, 12:24:44 PM
I don't think there is anything worse and more annoying than radio ads.

I don't mind radio ads as much because I don't pay anything for radio. 

The only ads I don't mind are print ads, because they gave my hot chicks to use as masturbation material before I could get my hands on pornography (or real boobs).

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #44 on: November 05, 2009, 12:29:28 PM
This one used to particularly annoy me.

JG Wentworth - Its My Money & I Need It Now Commercial
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #45 on: November 05, 2009, 03:52:20 PM
This one used to particularly annoy me.

JG Wentworth - Its My Money & I Need It Now Commercial


"It's my money and.."


"Quit yer whining and get a job already!!"

This is one that drove me up the wall because they played it *every* break:

Kitsmiller RV JingleWords
(from bash.org) <Twig> I just had an argument with a girl I know. She was saying how it's unfair that if a guy fucks a different girl every week, he's a legend, but if a girl fucks just two guys in a year, she's a slut. So in response I told her that if a key opens lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock is opened by lots of keys, then it's a shitty lock. That shut her up.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #46 on: November 05, 2009, 05:22:08 PM
This one used to particularly annoy me.

JG Wentworth - Its My Money & I Need It Now Commercial


"It's my money and.."


"Quit yer whining and get a job already!!"

Oh that wasn't why it annoyed me, it was the sense that JG Wentworth was some liberator, that he was sticking it to THE MAN and giving Power to the People. When in reality, JG Wentworth IS The Man, and all "he" is doing is offering a far smaller amount than he'll eventually receive for instant cash to people too poor to be able to hang around and get the full amount over time.

Sure, it's a useful and sometimes necessary service for people in need of cash urgently, but let's not pretend JG Wentworth (or any of the many others doing the same thing) is anything more than a moneylender whose pound of flesh is guaranteed in the form of a structured settlement.

I have no problem with anyone doing this, I just take exception to how dishonest and misleading the ad is.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #47 on: November 05, 2009, 05:46:13 PM
ah, yeah, I never thought of it like that
(from bash.org) <Twig> I just had an argument with a girl I know. She was saying how it's unfair that if a guy fucks a different girl every week, he's a legend, but if a girl fucks just two guys in a year, she's a slut. So in response I told her that if a key opens lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock is opened by lots of keys, then it's a shitty lock. That shut her up.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #48 on: November 07, 2009, 12:12:11 PM

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #49 on: November 07, 2009, 01:40:51 PM
And you didn't go running to join Josh's band?

Meanwhile, I kind of like this ad. It reminds me of Ren and Stimpy in a way:
Old Spice: Scents For Gents (2009) Commercial - Hilarious

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #50 on: November 07, 2009, 02:16:54 PM
I did, they rejected me, that's why I hate the stupid adverts!

It just annoys me that of all the things to do with free texts and internet, he chose make a band. A band.
I mean... Organising a music festival makes more sense, or running for mayor or selling meth. Just not a band.

Also, that's a brilliant advert, I lol'd.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #51 on: November 08, 2009, 12:19:42 AM
mmm... yummy cheerleader legs...
(from bash.org) <Twig> I just had an argument with a girl I know. She was saying how it's unfair that if a guy fucks a different girl every week, he's a legend, but if a girl fucks just two guys in a year, she's a slut. So in response I told her that if a key opens lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock is opened by lots of keys, then it's a shitty lock. That shut her up.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #52 on: November 08, 2009, 01:49:57 AM
I have never hit a woman in my life, but every time I see this goddamn ad, which here lately seems to be every ten minutes, I want to track this bitch down and pound her face until the pavement until there is nothing left but a few bits of brain and three teeth.

Education Connection Commercial Jingle
No one mourns the wicked.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #53 on: November 08, 2009, 06:01:32 AM
I'm torn about these:
"Get a Mac" Collection

On the one hand I actually prefer PCs, but on the other hand I don't think these commercials are showcasing the best aspect of Macs. In fact I think they're showcasing the worst aspects. I'd be much happier to be friends with the PC guy. I know the joke is ancient, but which one of those two would you hire? Which one do we think has long-term prospects?

I think it's the inherent snotty attitude Mac people have, not realizing that they are just joining the cult of proprietary EVERYTHING.
Skybox, right up here in section La-Di-Dah.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #54 on: November 08, 2009, 12:27:52 PM
I've not decided if I like these adverts or not yet.


ROWNTREE'S RANDOMS TV ad: Parents Evening

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #55 on: November 08, 2009, 12:54:28 PM
Not bad. Candy commercials are usually pretty great.
I adore the Skittles commercials:
Hilarious Skittles Commercial
I wish I could find the one they used to play in the 90s with a claymation planet... It seems to be missing from youtube.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #56 on: November 08, 2009, 01:02:20 PM
This is one of my favourites:

Skittles: Pinata
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #57 on: November 08, 2009, 01:30:41 PM
Yeah Skittles commercials rule.

I also can't tell if the old Sega commercials are as good as I remember them. I looked up a few, but they fell short of my memories. Maybe it's just because I was a giddy kid back then and anything video-game-related was magic.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #58 on: November 08, 2009, 01:49:10 PM
hahaha, those were brilliant.

And reminded me of:
Smarties - Blue is Back

which is epic just for the last line.

Re: Commercials that enrage you Reply #59 on: November 13, 2009, 02:21:37 PM
Blackcurrant Tango TV ad

also brilliant advert
but kinda old now.