Fashion award III: Nick, for showing us that when he says "nude", he's not talking about just another kind of pantyhose.
Miracle Medicine Award: Aquarius, for keeping my hangovers at bay every day, no matter how much beer, sake, or alcohol I consumed; this stuff should seriously be imported into the US and sold as a hangover combatant.
Perfect GPS (While Sober) Award: Mosh, for finding Nick's house (unaided) in all of Tokyo after 3 years, but then getting lost only 2 blocks from the hostel in Hiroshima, but then wandering into us the next day while he explored.
Golden Virtue Award: Kyle, who took "Silence is a Virtue" and "Silence is Golden" to a whole new level.
Tour Guide Award: Nick, because - seriously - how could you not get this award?
« Last Edit: November 08, 2009, 11:00:21 PM by taiko »

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