
Quote from: homeless-joe
haha. even i knowe its for . wait, i dont understand

Japan Trip Awards (Read 3083 times)
Japan Trip Awards on: November 08, 2009, 10:09:34 PM
nickname award: Lucas, or "taiko" as he is now known in my town, on account of being shaped like one

Fashion award: Tricky, that oufit you wore on Friday was superb. Kyle has 12,000 photos of it if anyone's asking

Banker Award: Sasha for spending most of her money on the first day. Largely due to the museums being closed so we went shopping instead. Oops.

Consumption award: Ian for several herculean efforts in the face of much food and drink

fucked up in a foreign land award: Kyle, for a legendary drunken tourist effort in Hiroshima. Highlights include not being able to walk and losing key to hostel leading to Nick calling the hostel owner to come and let us in and us all sitting around the common room and making drunk conversation with a traveling British tourist called Vicky while Kyle threw up in the shower upstairs.

Fashion award II: Lucas, for rocking out in this most image-concious land in old jeans and plain t-shirts with holes in them. I loved it.

Banker award II: Me, every time I was asked to guess how much something would cost it wound up being too little.

Mum award: Danni. I made it through that trip on cups of tea

Incident of the week: Sasha. I had the audacity to think there was nothing on this trip that would faze me. Not now.

Most travel: Sasha, for her ordeal in getting into the country.

Feel free to add some
« Last Edit: November 08, 2009, 10:21:22 PM by underclass »
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #1 on: November 08, 2009, 10:30:39 PM
Fashion award III:  Nick, for showing us that when he says "nude", he's not talking about just another kind of pantyhose.

Miracle Medicine Award:  Aquarius, for keeping my hangovers at bay every day, no matter how much beer, sake, or alcohol I consumed; this stuff should seriously be imported into the US and sold as a hangover combatant.

Perfect GPS (While Sober) Award:  Mosh, for finding Nick's house (unaided) in all of Tokyo after 3 years, but then getting lost only 2 blocks from the hostel in Hiroshima, but then wandering into us the next day while he explored.

Golden Virtue Award:  Kyle, who took "Silence is a Virtue" and "Silence is Golden" to a whole new level.

Tour Guide Award:  Nick, because - seriously - how could you not get this award?
« Last Edit: November 08, 2009, 11:00:21 PM by taiko »
Like yours.  Only different.

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #2 on: November 08, 2009, 10:35:37 PM
Random cool thing of the week award: The massive display of samurai blades on display at the national museum
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #3 on: November 08, 2009, 10:42:25 PM
Nicest Hostel I've Ever Seen Award:  K's House Hiroshima, for not only keeping everything immaculate, but cleaning up Kyle's vomit in the shower upstairs and even giving him his glasses back after they found them in the shower.
Like yours.  Only different.

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #4 on: November 08, 2009, 11:00:54 PM
Naked Dancing Award: Nick
Best Host Award: Nick
Leightweight drinking Award: Kyle
Biggest Douche in Japan Award: Prince Charming
Biggest WTF Moment: crazy Japanese lady at Gas Panic
Mum Award II: Luke
Worst, yet somehow very enthusiastic, Karoaoke singer Award: me
you treat me like a monologue ho

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #5 on: November 09, 2009, 02:05:27 AM
Most panda-faced:  Sasha
Has biggest man-crush on nick:  Luke
Best at keeping me in check:  Danni
Most alcoholic:  Ian
Looks best naked:  Nick
Most fun on a whim:  Tricky
Biggest Pussy:  Kyle

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #6 on: November 09, 2009, 02:18:13 AM
Incident of the week: Sasha. I had the audacity to think there was nothing on this trip that would faze me. Not now.

This story needs more clarification.
Skybox, right up here in section La-Di-Dah.

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #7 on: November 09, 2009, 02:37:08 AM
Nick found the one untouched place on Sasha's body when he panda-faced her in the hostel.

if you were there, you would've seen it with your own eyes! i might've even panda-faced you myself.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 02:40:50 AM by tricky »
you treat me like a monologue ho

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #8 on: November 09, 2009, 02:38:26 AM
Surprisingly not creepy IRL award: Kyle
Best uncle award: Mosh
Best club dust dealer: Luke
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 02:40:00 AM by tricky »
you treat me like a monologue ho

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #9 on: November 09, 2009, 05:39:12 AM
Surprisingly not creepy IRL award: Kyle


I have no awards to give... just a big thumbs up to everyone for being cool, enjoying the scene, and not letting board politics get in the way.

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #10 on: November 09, 2009, 08:08:55 PM
Consumption award: Ian for several herculean efforts in the face of much food and drink

LOL, Sounds like the Ian I've been hearing about. An award I might have won!

You guys sound like you all had a blast. I've always loved traveling. But this traveling while meeting and partying with several others from the same message board must be considered a new age experience. Weren't no internet when I were your ages. );

btw I just found out I'm currently 666 months old!

Son of Stan? ... hahahahahah you gotta remember that trick, glad you had a good time.
Reality; A shared narrative we all agree to believe.

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #11 on: November 09, 2009, 08:14:13 PM
Wow, you're 2 years older than my dad.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #12 on: November 09, 2009, 09:16:46 PM
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 09:17:07 PM by Doormouse »

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #13 on: November 09, 2009, 09:27:35 PM
Lol more like an attempt at sad face, but oh well.
Reality; A shared narrative we all agree to believe.

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #14 on: November 09, 2009, 10:06:52 PM
Sad face/lazy eye then.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #15 on: November 09, 2009, 11:31:14 PM
Reality; A shared narrative we all agree to believe.

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #16 on: November 09, 2009, 11:52:57 PM

Sad face with monobrow.
Quote from: FB comment
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #17 on: November 10, 2009, 02:44:14 AM
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #18 on: November 10, 2009, 03:45:26 AM
Perfect GPS (While Sober) Award:  Mosh, for finding Nick's house (unaided) in all of Tokyo after 3 years, but then getting lost only 2 blocks from the hostel in Hiroshima, but then wandering into us the next day while he explored.

Massive alcohol screws with my GPS

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #19 on: November 10, 2009, 04:04:02 AM
Massive alcohol screws with my GPS
Massive alcohol screws with my GPA

Re: Japan Trip Awards Reply #20 on: November 10, 2009, 02:22:55 PM
Mine too.  Since I slept through my cal test I am dropping the class, woohoo!  I went ahead and applied at the local university regardless....