I know my neighbors by sight, but not by name. Below me lives an immensely fat woman who is very religious, smokes weed all the time, and (bless her heart) unwittingly provides me with free wireless internet. Two floors down live a family of deafmutes. They use no electricity and as a consequence the hall-lighting, which is linked into their apartment, is permanently extinguished and I return home to a pitch black apartment. I use my cell phone to light my way if the second floor tenant has turned off the tiny light above her apartment. The people on the first floor apparently have a friend or relative in jail because I see them many mornings in the summer standing on the wall of the parking lot and making sign-language signs toward the bars of the jail across the street. I thought that prisoners' communications were restricted to prevent things like ordering hits from inside, but who am I to stir up any trouble...
I can't wait to get out of here.