I posted this, either here or in another forum, but:
A Zebra.
It's equine, right? A horse. (Some ARE closer to mules than horses, but FUCK THAT for now, okay?)
Is a Zebra a WHITE horse,
with BLACK stripes?
A BLACK horse,
with white stripes?
Think about that, okay? REread my Zebra post.
It wasn't a down to a nigger ~ it was a statement of relativity/reality.
Put THAT in your pipe and smoke on it.
And, me?
I'm not a member of any given race, though most would consider me caucasian/white.
But to ME? I'm not a White Woman/Girl ~ I'm a mix of everything. The freckles did that. I'm EVERY color! For real.
And along with the mix of color? Came an overpowering sense of love, for everyone around me, all of the people that are here, while I am.
I suck.
So, Sasha? Wanna get down and dirty? I'm trying to plan a trip up North to see my best bud, and I'll show you where Bob lives!
Who could ASK for MORE???
Editied to Include: p.s. I'll bring drugz.