The giants and the mets are my secondary teams, the firsts of course being the pats and the red sox.
Heads up, it's a huge pain in the ass to type in this goddamn text field with my iPhone.
Let me address the questions I remember folks asking...
What am I up to? Besides aging, obviously... I bartend 3-4 nights a week. Living on the cape. Wishing I COULD move to NYC (ahem, ladies, did you know about my short stint waiting tables at the Fridays on Newbury st, Boston? Hate that place). Actually, life is good where I am, but my future isn't here. Ill soon be Boston or Providence bound, methinks.
The "I am not a mom" thing...somebody tracked me down on myspace and saw my profile picture, which happens to be one of me holding my brothers baby girl.
I'm on the wrong side of 25, freshly unengaged, and often wondering if I'm the marrying type. I have a gorgeous boyfriend now, though, who