In a world where we supposedly have complete Freedom of Speech,
it does seem fairly silly to have to censor our own selves for fear of offending.
And it isn't just each individual word, either ~ more and more, I'm finding that I have to think things through, almost like playing some bizarre chess game, to insure that the fucking CONCEPT that I'm espousing isn't offensive to SOMEone.
Well, I'm sick of it. I want to be Political INCorrect, and call a spade a spade. So sue me.
Si? What if someone said Wigger or Cracker or Redneck in a matter-of-fact, non-ironic way?
That's what I don't get: Anyone can call a white person ANYTHING, and no one (supposedly) gets offended. Anyone can allude to the fact that White Devils stole everything from everyone (that's why we're all so rich), and no one should get offended.
I could call every white dude I met a Boner-Biting Bastard Uncle Fucker, and no one would bat an eyelash. But let me throw in the N Word, and call someone a Boner-Biting Bastard NIGGER Uncle Fucker, and BLAM! I'm the scum of the earth and (obviously) nothing more than poor white trailer trash.
And here's a thought: If we're allowed to call African folks Blacks, why couldn't we call them Darks or Darkies? But, NOOOOOOOOO!!! You'd get your ass whooped by EVERYONE if you used one of those words.