I would expect it to be every bit as good as the HMO I had, way back when. It wasn't bad care, and I could certainly live with it, but it was only good care because there was an expectation of a certain level of care, and it was maintained by oversight. If it's the gov doing the oversight? We're fucked.
American's are pissed off at the gov, especially over the crap they're trying to slip by us, and this Health Care thing is proving to be Business As Usual for them. COSTS of the actual care, the med research, the equipment ~ NONE of that has been addressed, and until the costs for all of that come down, we simply can't afford what's being offered.
Total cost for the Blue Cross/Blue Shield coverage we now have is about $300/mo, plus we put $150/mo onto a Flex Card. Dear's company, the state of Texas, pays for part of his medical coverage, but I'm not sure how much it is.
Now, if over $300/mo, just over 11.5% of Dear's gross, isn't even paying for OUR care,
how in the HELL are we going to pay for all of the folks that don't work???
I mean, I could surely foresee a cost of 25% of our income going to Health Care,
and the QUALITY of that care falling through the floor, because it STILL isn't enough to "cover the skyrocketing costs."
Instead of forcing the people to buy insurance, why aren't we talking about forcing those costs WAY down, so that folks could just AFFORD to go to the doctor and fill a prescription?
Why does the solution ALWAYS have to be to Throw MORE Money at the problem, instead of yanking BACK some of it?
And why isn't there ANY Health Care Plan on ANY burner that would do just that, giving the people a CHOICE?