Let me ask you this... Should the poor suffer for being born into their situation? Please do not forget, that those who are born into poverty stand less of a chance of getting out of it than those who acquire the title of poor over a period of time.
Emp - you must start basic before you ask for grand change. It is an unfortunate reality.
My mom's family was fucking POOR ~ to the point that my mom was given away to be raised by a rich lady until the family could afford to have her back. (She was sickly, at first, probably due to being born into abject poverty.)
EVERY ONE of the four children got out and STROKED it, and made lives for themselves, and THAT was part of the beauty of America! And before you sneer about us being poor WHITE-Y's, let me tell you that the family name was Lopez, changed to Locke, in order to HIDE the fact that they were hispanic, 'cuz in San Antonio back in the '30's & 40's? There weren't any jobs for mexicans.
THOSE are the folks y'all are expecting to support the "needy." Those folks didn't have anything when they were born, and now that they've gotten out and worked themselves into some sort of "ease," you'd take away their little "extra?" If they could afford to, they'd like to "give" to THEIR families, THEIR needy peeps. Something their folks could never do for them.
And I'm hard-hearted? Yeah.
You don't want folks born into poverty? PREACH some Birth Control to the poor. FORCE the issue, by making RULES regarding how many children someone that is too sick/uneducated/whatever to work is allowed to HAVE ~ have more than 1, with no job, no future? They're going up for adoption to families that can afford them. Have FOUR or more that the state has to pay for the delivery of? Automatic sterilization.
YOU, all of you fucking bleeding heart fools, have resigned MILLIONS of children to Crack 'Hos and whatever abuse can be ladled up upon them by their parents, who don't give a shit about them, just the extra food stamps and assistance monies.
I'm disgusted with all of y'all. You know the system. You know it doesn't work. You KNOW all of the horror stories, and you STILL want to Fight For The RIGHTs of the wrongs.
Think about it. If everyone that COULD work, DID work, there wouldn't be a need for UHC, NOR public assistance, would there? In ANY well functioning society, there's NO NEED for it, and the fact that you're so concerned about it just goes to show that our society is melting down to it's lowest common denominator.
Shit. I need a divorce. On my own, I'm eligible for EVERYTHING in the way of Freebie Assistance. Why am I being so mean to Dear, and making HIM have to try to afford me, all on his own? Hell, I'd be willing to BET I could have me some FURNITURE and maybe even a real TV, instead of living in an empty house.
But here's the thing: Nothing is Free. Nothing. Sooner or later, SOMEONE has to pay for whatever it is.
Sorry about this ~ I'm on a tear and have gotten Off Topic. <sigh> But it could be worse. I
could be DRUNK and off on a tear.
Speaking of the which...