So now we can see the name of the person whose picture it is, the date of the picture, and how they described it. Have you ever seen that movie, "Hackers," with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Lee Miller? Well all you have to do is drop the name of the place the photo was taken or look up the weather on the day and ask the original poster how he liked the 74 degree weather or the unoccupied residential structure fire that day and you instantly gain like 3,141,593 internet points. which turns out to be exactly the number needed to get into that cool Cyberdelia event. Don't forget your leopard print spandex.
Also you remember how that kid Joey kept whining about not having a handle? That's right. You get to come up with a badass handle now too. I'd recommend something in 1337 if you know what I mean....

Mess with the best, die like the rest. Sweet.