Or, you could submit some naked pictures of her to Suicide Girls, then she can become a Suicide Girl. Then you say, "Happy Birthday honey! This is your gift." Then you show her the naked pictures of her that are on Suicide Girls.
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!
alright, it is straight up lame that i can't view people's profiles now. what the heck dudes?
i dunno.. it's working alright now but any profile i tried to view earlier gave me a page that said something like "you can't look at just any profile..."hmmmmm.
Where is Baggie, anyway?
I am not a piece of meat.
Tricky seems quite taken with Baggy's tallywhacker.
Sort of like the first time you talked to me ....I thought we had something ...Dammit, Baggie!Well, I'm a gentleman, so, you won ....*bows head to Baggie*