I like my possessions to be in good condition.
When I first purchase physical media (CDs, DVDs, games, etc), I will make a digital copy of it. This allows me to "shelve" the physical media, and do everything digitially at that point - it's very difficult to scratch an MP3 or ISO, you see.
As I'm making copies of my media, I'll often take a look at the inserts that come along with that media (booklets, or instructions).
Here's the rant: on CDs, the booklets are "held" in place with 4 little plastic tabs. Then, at the end of the case "door", there are these tiny little protrusions that keep the booklet from falling out, I suppose, in the situation where a case is opened and tilted just so.
However, the front page of the booklet is normally stuck to the front of the case door. So, to get it out, I either have to force the booklet over those little speed bumps, or i have to pry it away from the static cling of the paper/plastic contact. Either of these actions will cause some miniscule damage to the edge of the booklet.
Man, I hate that.