Shortly after picking me up from the airport, a nice couple pulled up next to Zoomie on the highway and pointed out that the canoe had come untied.

It was late when we finally got to the cottage, but Zoomie had a good idea!

That's right! SAUSAGE PARTY!

The next morning was not very pretty.

Since most of you are probably getting bored by now, here's a dog peeing on a bush.

Here's the Rape Shack, with convenient whipping willow adjacent.

To get ready for company, Zoomie asked me to help him pitch a tent.

Someone started a fire. I rolled those logs over, to be summarily chopped to pieces.

Emp got there (eventually). He was essentially sober at this point.

Zoomie looks really drunk in this photo, but he's not. However, that IS a horny helmet he's got on.

As the night rolls on and Emp & Zoomie get drunker, they decide to set off some fireworks on the beach. The neighbors retaliated later (lamely).

If you've never seen Emp's slackfaced, drunken gaze, take a moment to consider the zen of it.

The next morning, there were bottles and clothing all over the beach.

Here's a picture of Zoomie being gay (for sailing!).

These are some tents that people slept in. The orange one was Zoomie's, and the blue one was Emp's. I was supposed to be in the red one in the middle, but that sounded like a really gay sandwich so I slept inside, on the couch.

For Nick's enjoyment, please see the beach after the sun had come out! I guess those pagan rituals really work!