You all know I went on a couple of dates with a girl and have been talking with a few other women on the site, but I haven't really been sending messages to that many women and we all know it's a numbers game. I talked with a friend last week and he suggested I create a form letter and mass mail it out to a bunch of girls on the site. I told him I didn't like that idea, because it seemed so boring and unoriginal and kind of soulless. But he said I was putting way too much effort and time in crafting my e-mails (I let him read all my shit on OKCupid) and that my problem is I always put all my eggs in one basket and only continue an e-mail string with one chick at a time because it does take me lots of time and effort to get creative in my messages.
So, I decided to change things up a bit. I have decided to do a form letter and my goal is to e-mail 20 girls this weekend. I JUST sent out my first batch of about 5 or 6 messages. I found a great couple of sentences for the "form" portion that this dude on Youtube says works like a motherfucker. I changed it up a bit to add my own touches to it, and ended up with this as the form portion:
"I didn't want to be like 99% of the other men on this site; I just wanted to message you in a mature way, and leave the shirtless-mirror shot photos and pickup lines to the other guys.
Your profile caught my attention and I am intrigued. [Then you write a couple of sentences focusing on something in their profile that stuck out - ask them a question]."
Well, guess what? Within minutes of sending this out to one of the 5 or 6 girls, I got a response back from her and there are three important things about her response.
1. She starts off the message with "I love this. Tons"
2. Her reply is longer than my original e-mail
3. She says she would love to go to a show that I am going to on Tuesday
Holy fuck. This isn't scientific yet, but I'll see if the replies continue to come in from any other chicks. Maybe I just got lucky picking out and expounding upon the portion of her profile that I liked/caught my attention.