And don't forget to hide your hot female friends if I come over. Unless you feel like spending some quality time with the police telling them your side of the story.
My car needs ANOTHER new engine (this will be the 4th rotary), but I haven't felt like going to the Mazda dealership.
What I need to do, is find another girl; one that is girlfriend-material. I'm just feeling so lazy because I have it in the bag, so to say. Even my boss is telling me to text Sasha2, and go out on dates with more women like I was last year, because "J" sounds psycho to him. I just lack motivation in every aspect of my life, except work. I mean I paid $1000 on 10/14/2008 for two correspondence classes. The sign up stuff is still sitting on my counter. I haven't even ordered the materials yet. I have 9 months to finish the course, and it's already been 5.5 months. Plus my musical equipment. I haven't touched it in months. Theremin and Kaossilator.Xbox 360. I have 5 unopened games. The thing hasn't been turned on in nearly two Bought it a couple of years ago. Haven't updated in a year. The exhaust fan in my bathroom is broken and I have been meaning to fix it. Meaning to fix it for over a year. My car needs ANOTHER new engine (this will be the 4th rotary), but I haven't felt like going to the Mazda dealership. There is a weight set in my garage that has been sitting there for 3 years. The first year and a half after I bought it, it remained in the box. A year and a half ago I unboxed it and set it up. It's been setup ever since, but not used once.I haven't bought my tickets for Japan yet -- actually haven't even looked, and my time off is 4/16 - 4/28. Sigh. blah blah blah blah blah. I really don't ever feel like doing much of anything.
I just lack motivation in every aspect of my life, except work. I mean I paid $1000 on 10/14/2008 for two correspondence classes.
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!
And yes, they are spit shined to a mirror finish. I wonder if Zoomie still does this?
Docs, not Crocs.My footwear.
Quote from: Doormouse on March 31, 2009, 01:32:57 AMDocs, not Crocs.My footwear.I still have a pair of steel-toed oxblood Docs, but I don't wear 'em very often anymore. Actually I hardly even wear my steel-toed Cats these days.
Is that you? If it is you like quite different there than you do in the pic you sent to me!