Krsna - that's a fabulous idea. Can you do the scene with James Brown from the Blues Brothers?
Why we got married is anyone's guess, we're polar opposites in just about ever category. She likes that I (Japanese way of thinking) give her free rein and lots of encouragement, and also that on her days off I don't care if she wants to stay home and relax. I like it that she's making her own fortune and not expecting me to, and also on her days off I can drink sake in front of the webcam and go play
Asian card games with mates from my baseball team.
Japanese men generally can't handle it if the woman is more successful, I'm totally happy if she makes a packet and I wind up staying home with the kids. God only knows I'm sick of that office anyway.
Lucas - Her english is scarily good for someone who's never been overseas. It's really textbook, and she doesn't understand a lot of slang outside of African-American speak, which she knows from when she founded a church in Shibuya with a couple about five years ago. So either talk like Chris Rock or the Queen please

Logged - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.