She gets back from her Africa trip on Tuesday. I was actually hoping that she'd forget about it me while on her vacation, but as always God denies my prayers. She sent me an e-mail last Wednesday:
Hi! Just got back from the most AMAZING two day safari into Botswana. It's really incredible here. All the people are really nice, the nicest, Happiest people I've met. Keep Tuesday the seventh open for me. I will text you when I get back, lets do dinner that night.
I never responded to her e-mail, because I have definitely made my decision that I do not want to see her again. Unfortunately, she must have thought I didn't see her last e-mail because she just sent me another one this morning.
...I have tons of pictures to show you when I get back. Do you want dinner Tuesday night? If so, what?...and back to the casa around 4 so I can go grocery shopping before starting dinner...
Hope you've had a good past week and a half. Did you ever get your tickets to Tokyo? When are you going?
She is totally bent on cooking me dinner and then fucking me the DAY she gets back. I have to man up and just say enough is enough. I don't have the same feelings for her that she has for me, and it's time for both of us to move on. She is very sensitive about the whole situation because apparently her last boyfriend (of 3 months) didn't want to commit to her either, and then ended up getting a girlfriend like two weeks later. Pretty blatant there, casa nova. I don't want to fall into the same trap. Doubtful I will meet a girl in two weeks that I deem girlfriend material, but stranger things have happened.
Bottom line is that I need help. What can I do that will inflict the minimal about of hurt on "J"? Obviously no matter what I do she will be hurt, but I don't want to go in there with a butcher knife and carve her heart out or anything. I have never had to do this before. Earlier this year I went out with this girl twice, and she too was ga ga over me. I left after the second date not setting up a third, and she texted me all throughout the week and kept inviting me over to her house to cook me dinner, watch football, etc. I finally just wrote her an e-mail that I was not interested in going out on another date with her, because the chemistry wasn't there. But that was only two dates. This is... 4 months. E-mail isn't going to cut it.
It's funny, of all the CL girls I have gone out with over the past year, I could have had sex with 4 of them. ("J" I did not meet on CL) I even slept in "G"s bed and my erection was against her ass all night, but we didn't have sex. That was because I didn't try anything. I was too nice. In the morning she made me coffee and told me "You need to be more aggressive Kyle." The reason I didn't have sex with these girls before, was inside me. Not because women didn't want to have it with me. I was just so afraid, at being a 27/28 year old virgin. Remember the story of me almost walking out on "J" and not having sex at all, that night I was no longer a virgin? The fear just crippled me. Luckily as I opened her front door, something carnal took over me, and I ended up having sex.
So now that that whole virgin fear is behind me, if I can line up some dates with CL women, I think I'll fair much better in the sex department.
Suggestions on how to politely and lightly tell "J" that I am no longer interested in seeing her?