Yes, obviously I haven't tainted any other pussies yet with my lovestick
I was not some 15 year old virgin who doesn't know fuck all
Dude. When you say things like the first sentence I quoted, you sound like one. Seriously. Grow up with the pseudo-porn-talk. Shit like that can't be pulled off in regular conversation. Things that sound reasonable (or not... I mean really, "LOVESTICK"?!?? WTF?) in the heat of the moment sound fucking retarded when you're posting about them on a message board.
Is a stretch that I was able to get her to come the first time she came over to my house? No!! I was ready to put my ALL into this shit, and I did!
Not necessarily, but is it a stretch that you either happened to find a chick who is doing her damndest to make you feel like a big man, or happened to find a chick who's just ridiculously easy to please?
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you, I've been rooting for you throughout the years, but fuck three or four chicks who react like you're the second coming of christ (no pun intended) and then maybe people will start to believe your mad skillz.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2009, 10:14:24 PM by FAH-Q »

ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.