This girl, "J", worships my cock. She's used adjectives like, "beautiful" and "amazing" to describe it. Not that I am long dong silver or anything, but when I hit her slit with my Brad Pitt, she squirms and squirts, and tells me that I am fuckin' IT!
I love feeling her cum -- anytime she's on top, riding cowgirl, or one of my personal favorites - inverted missionary - she has fairly explosive orgasms. My chest ends up all warm and wet from her haha and I like it. Last time she was at my place she kept saying she wanted the neighbors to know how good I was. (She screamed so fucking loud ... I thought I may have gotten ear drum damage.) She's also said on every occasion, that I am the only guy who has ever made her cum while having sex. It's probably more about "fit" than "skills".
Anyway, so back to Wednesday.
First - a little background. She moved about 3 weeks ago from the apartment where she lived by herself, to a house with 3 other dudes living there. Dungeon and Dragon, LARPing motherfuckers. They are fairly scary. One is a 41 year old midget, overweight, Gandolf looking creep. He's not shy at all as you would expect most nerdy D&D/Magic the Gathering playboys to be. He's told her that he has a girlfriend in Oklahoma that he plays World of Warcraft with. He came out and talked with us a bit Wednesday while she was cooking me dinner, and was like "Oh I am SO sore. I started working out today at this gym and my personal trainer really put me through the paces." Hahahaha. Sure. Another roommate is named Kyle and he has a girlfriend in a wheelchair (parapalegic) and has seriously scared "J" by asking her questions about periods, ovulation, etc. in relation to his girlfriend in the chair. He also lives in a shack that has been "attached" to the back of the house. The third guy won't look me in the eye and won't even say hi. He IS the typical super-shy D&D dude. He's probably in his 30s and he lives in the converted garage. I made fun of her for days when she moved in. She's fucking crazy - she didn't even know this dudes, just replied to a Craigslist ad, met them, saw the house, and moved in.
Wednesday I head over and we hang in the kitchen while she cooks an awesome seafood and pasta meal. The roommates occasionaly walk by, and chit-chat a bit, but for the most part we are left alone. After we eat and drink some tasty Chardonnay, we head to the couch in the living room to watch Mythbusters. While we're sitting there she takes my belt off, reaches her hands in my pants, and starts tugging on my balls. Damn! I felt a little uncomfortable knowing any one of the 3 dudes could open their doors and walk by and see us. But I didn't say anything. She unzipped me and pulled my cock out and started stroking it... and being a little cockteasing cocksucker. Little suck here... stroke, suck. WHOOT. I whispered "You're a fucking dirty girl. What if one of your roommates comes out?" She's like "So?" hahaha that was pretty hot. Anyway so she's going at me and I'm loving it, and sure enough we hear the garage door open and close as the garage-dweller comes into the kitchen. Haha we spring into action and within 2 seconds I swear to God it looked like the entire time we had just been chilling in front of the tv having a drink. One second too slow and he would have seen my cock in her mouth/hand on THEIR couch haha. It was pretty exhilirating. She liked it too.
After that little scare we watched some more tv, I teased her, rubbing her pussy through her panties, and getting her to WANT me bad. I was whispering shit like "I want you" in her little ear, and whenever there was a commerical finding sexual things out of the completely non-sexual ads and telling her how I was going to fuck her right.
Blah blah, about midnight we go into her room and shut the door. I had not brought a condom over, with the expectation that she would blow me, and I would return the favor, because I wasn't sure I wanted to fully fuck when the 41 year old's room was right across from hers. But that didn't last. She had an extra condom, put it on and we fucked hard. Her bed creaks so fucking much I know even the dude out in the garage was hearing it hahahaha. It was awesome. She cummed all over me. Unfortunately, I couldn't cum inside her again. But she beat me off.
It was fun. But, I didn't get more than 10 mins of sleep all night, and had to get to work early the next morning. I was really pissy all day. I already hate mornings.
She invited me to a party tonight at her friend's house. I have purposefully declined anything to do with meeting her friends. I just want to fuck her and eat her food that she cooks me. And sometimes go out to eat. So I was like "You mean the party in my pants?" Haha she laughed and said ok, "I guess all you want is a booty call tonight." I smiled ":p" (this was all via text). I didn't hear back from her -- dunno if I pissed her off or what. Have a feeling not. I have her wrapped around my cock. So tonight my neighbors will again, enjoy the screams of ecstasy as much as I will.