what's with you having "r" issues? did something sticky get on your keyboard?
notes from an acceptably tipped service industry:
i've relied on tips for survival (i'll beat you all to it: "and cock") for nearly ten years now. thankfully i've been fortunate enough to primarily bartend for the last three years, as opposed to waiting tables. i have always averaged nearly to over 20% since i began waitressing nine years ago. behind the bar, i started at an above 20% avg, and now as bar mgr pulling the money shifts behind the bar, that average has gone up to anywhere from 30%-80% i'd say on any of my given nights.
i generally give excellent service, always remember your name, your drink, sometimes a back up drink, and even your life story as you've told it to me. if, of course, you're the type of patron who wants to chitchat. if not, key points are important of course, especially in case you're the only one there and there's any uncomfortable silences. if you tip me well at the start, especially in a large, seemingly pain-in-the-ass group, i will remember you and your drink, and busy as i may be, will try to have your drink, or drinks for others in your party, ready as soon as you need another.
like many bars, mine can offer a free drink or two when i deem it appropriate. higher and more frequent (in the case of regulars) tipping play the main roles in deciding who i give these drinks to.
cunty or asshole behavior (which is first defined in my book as poor tipping) will ALWAYS result in a check for everything consumed, not to mention subpar to poor service on busier nights, waning friendly responses from me, weak drinks, and in extreme cases a ban from the bar.
please tip your bartender.