Do you have to give two weeks notice for a job? I am curious. I was thinking about just giving 24 hours notice. I have been reading on the interwebz and it says that you don't have to give two weeks notice if your contract doesn't say so. I want to get that last two weeks of pay. My company can fire me "just because" at any time. They don't even have to tell me why.
We live in a "Right To Work" state ~
piss 'em off enough to fire your ass,
collect 2 weeks severance pay,
and enroll for unemployment.
OR: Get hurt on the job ~ Paper cut? Life threatening! Falling Down? Disabled for LIFE.
THAT's how you fuck 'em over.
Either that, or just tuck your tail between your legs, and quit.
p.s. Next time i'm in Austin, you may kick the shit out of me. Unfortunately, i'll still be me, and i'll still think the same things...
« Last Edit: October 13, 2009, 06:52:49 AM by fyrenza »

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IS Infinity