OK quick entymology lesson. I know, etymology is really my thing but when you deal with reptiles you gotta know about bugs too.
1. There are only five species of spider in the US that can actually bite you and penetrate your skin. Of those there are only two species that are actually venomous to the degree that you should worry. And they're both so slow that you'll likely see them before they get you. So stop being pussies. Actually I'm VERY Afraid of spiders.
2. They look a lot alike.
Bumble Bees sting:

Wood Boring Bees do not:

But they will menace you like they can. Until you whip off your baseball cap and swat them into a cinderblock wall. I swatted one into a window and broke it once. They got tough exoskeletons.
3. North American House Centipedes (the little wooly bugger that the stupid coeds were throwing paper toel rolls at) are beneficial bugs. They actually eat ants, cockroaches and small spiders. They're great hunters. But they are very skittish of humans.
4. Silverfish are totally harmless, carry no disease harmful to humans but are beneficial in that they can survive on the soap scum in the average bathtub and have been on earth in one form or another for 300 million years.
5. Lightning bugs are toxic to reptiles.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2009, 08:59:37 PM by Zoomie »

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