No. But if you're taking requests I'd love to hear a suicide note.
But ofcourse.It would be a pleasure.
Suicide note especially for Zoomie:-My name is Zoomie.
And I'm feeeling so gloomy.
With a Cap'n Birdseye beard
I look like a looney.
Its my last ever post
On loaded gun
Im leaving this world
Cos it aint much fun.
Gonna sail out to sea.
And jump overboard.
Cos I didnt have much luck
With the bathroom light cord.
Sakhi could have saved me
If she showed me her tits.
But she's legal age now.
So I'm calling it quits.
Should I dress up in my gear
Of Ancient Celt times
Or take advise from Resso
For a suicide rhyme
I'd like to be an emo
Or suiciidal goth
But black doesnt suit me
I'm a big fat sloth.
Before I end it all.
I'll try and have some fun.
So I'll smear my cock
In some Pedigree chum.
If my doggies lick it off
I'll get a cheap thrill.
While I threaten to jump
Off the window sill.
So before I end it all.
With some razors on my wrist.
I'll write a proper note.
And get very fucking pissed.
Mosh just doesnt love me
And Drugmoth is a bitch
And Fah-Q is the source
Of my horrible itch.
Banal he said hed marry me
I wore that dress for underclass
His love, most painful of them all.
The chairleg up my ass.
In to the sea
And so I'll drown
My sad love story
It has been told
But I'll jump tomorrow
Cos it looks a bit cold