i see he just wants to jump right in where he left off though...
Actually no ... I have no intention of doing anything of the sort Sarah.
can relax, I shall never comment or reply directly or indirectly in that direction again. I don't know why I did in the first place, just irritated at all the similar threads and endless innuendo I suppose. I wish I was one of those people who can't type at all when they are holy shitfaced, but oh well.
I actually never intended to start posting here at all. I knew nothing good could ever come of it. I should have just ignored that first thread and went with my original instinct.
I will continue to post, at a reduced frequency. However there will be no more of that behavior from me on here. I am a creep and I am fucked in the head, but I know the situation, I actually do get it, I watched every bit of it unfold. Yet I ignored all of that and went off on a tirade anyway. It's so easy to do on the internet, it allows a whole host of real life stress and aggravations to get all mixed up into the online world and express themselves inappropriately.
The pigs towed away one of our cars, it was registered & insured and parked in front of the house, they just came out of the blue, opened the hood without asking or notifying us of their intent, saw it didn't have a battery (because it actually needed a little work), and called the tow truck. We noticed what was going on and came out to ask them what the hell they thought they were doing but there was nothing we could do. Either pay many hundreds of dollars in extortion or allow them to steal our property. There are no other options. Then they sent us a fucking bill for $97 for their nazi trouble. Yeah they aren't going to get it, but something is going to ---- -- this year and that's all I'm gonna say about that.
That's not even close to an excuse though, I mean I don't really care-not really fixated or anything of the sort. I just wanted to start a fight with someone and was way too drunk to do it right so yeah I admit it, I am fucked in the head.
Anyway those are my current thoughts.