CT: @Thrash ...I just clicked on the link in your sig to the archived L-G thread and I'm getting a kick out of this shit. Oddly enough, the first post to make me laugh was my own....I didn't know I was funny back then. Maybe I wasn't, I think I just find my own shit hilarious.
Epigone: If Baggy gets laid....our universe will fold into itself and form a black hole.
sycophant: What's most amusing about all of this, is that no matter WHAT you do, bagman, people are going to shit on it. Fuck, people are going to shit on YOU regardless of what you do.
Kind of telling.
CAPx2000 (To bagman): I can't believe you voluntarily posted that picture of yourself.
bagman: Me, fake? Psshh yeah. But it's true, none of you have ever met me in real life...
Epigone: You have to get a real life before we meet you in it.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 04:17:25 AM by Drugmoth »

A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon