CT- Why would my friend buy a home drug test to take when she had to take a drug test anyway, just seems like a waste of money. She bought protox anyway, so she hopes that will work, since she just got a job at the state today and it has excellent benefits even though the pay is shit.
Ok, these are her options.
A) Show up and take a drug test not knowing whether she'll pass or not. Maybe she'll get the job, maybe she won't.
B) Drink some detox stuff and take a drug test not knowing whether she'll pass or not. Maybe she'll get the job, maybe she won't.
C) Drop fifteen to twenty bucks on a drug test. She passes and knows that she can go piss in their cup safely.
D) Drip fifteen to twenty bucks on a drug test. She FAILS and knows that if she's going to get this job she needs to forget that detox stuff and get her hands on some clean urine. She'll put the clean urine in a small container and I guess she could smuggle it into the testing center in her vagina.
That 20 bucks buys her either piece of mind or gives her the knowledge of what she'll need to do in order to pass the test. Does it still seem like a waste of money to you?