for nick's eyes only:
last night circa 7pm i get a phone call from boyfriend. last meeting ran late, driving home in boston traffic, be home asap. i start dinner so as to have it ready when he arrives. i love playing the good little wifey. anyway, he gets in around 8, and barely says hello before snatching me up and carrying me to the bedroom, pawing at me and kissing me kind of rough. then we mauled eachother for about an hour, (unfortunately there were no spankings because as he told me, i have been so good). no talking, no "i missed you so much". there was a little hair pulling though...i like that. it gets in the way lately because it's so long, but he likes it down, and he just grabs it all up in his big hand and controls how i move my mouth on him, which is so incredibly hot. afterwards he rubbed my feet, and i fed him bites of no-longer-warm short grain brown rice and tofu in bed. then we smoked a big bowl, brushed our teeth, and fell asleep to pineapple express. i am officially in the best relationship ever.